The Public Life of Sherlock Holmes: An Index (So Far)

Surprisingly, The Public Life of Sherlock Holmes has now made it to thirty posts. While I’m sure the dedicated reader types ‘Public Life of Sherlock Holmes’ in the search field to call up all the posts in the series, I said to myself (I talk to myself a lot), “Bob, there’s got to be an easier way for someone to bask in the entirety of your writings so far.”
And there is! Below is an index with links to all the posts, followed by some topics likely to come.
Sherlock Holmes/Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Public Life of Sherlock Holmes – Introduction to the column (rather unoriginal title, eh?)
Lord of Misrule – Christopher Lee as the great detective
The Case of the Short Lived Sherlock – One of my favorite Holmes’, Ian Richardson
Creation to Death and Back – A good intro to Holmes, focusing on Doyle’s love-hate (minus the love) relationship with his most famous creation
All The World’s a Stage – Doyle’s own Holmes play, The Speckled Band
Playing The Game With The Master Blackmailer – Sherlockians pretend Holmes and Watson were real people
Eille Norwood: The Silent Detective – The first great screen Holmes
Sherlock (Doctor) Who? – When Tom Baker quit being Doctor Who, he immediately became Sherlock Holmes in The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Hammer Hound – Peter Cushing’s Hound was the first Holmes color film
When Elric of Melnibone Came to 221B Baker Street – Fantasy and scifi authors who have tackled Holmes
New Treasures: The Game’s Afoot (Wordsworth) – The Holmes pastiche collection from the Tales of Mystery & the Supernatural series
The Crimes Club – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Jack the Ripper
Murder By Decree – Sherlock Holmes and Jack the Ripper movie
The International Exhibition of Sherlock Holmes – a very cool Holmes exhibit traveling the United States
The Case of the Copyrighted Detective – The current battle over the use of Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock is Coming Back: Good or Bad? – Mixed emotions on BBC Sherlock announcing a fourth season
The Mystery Holmes – James Bragington’s turn as Holmes in a lost film
The Speckled Band: He’s Done Better – Holmes didn’t exactly tear it up in one of his most famous stories
The “Lost” Holmes Story – One of my favorites; the strange story behind Arthur Whitaker’s pastiche, “The Man Who Was Wanted”
The Great Profile (Barrymore) Plays the Great Profile – John Barrymore makes a silent Holmes film
Doyle in The Resident Patient – Looking at how Sir Arthur’s own experiences found its way into one Holmes and one non-Holmes story
Reggie Owens’ A Study in Scarlet – A look at a film that’s more Christie than Holmes
Non-Holmes Posts
Dirk Gently, Holistic Detective – A great private eye spoof by The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’s Douglas Adams
The Science Fictional Humphrey Bogart – A forgotten horror/sci-fi flick with my favorite actor
A Man Called Spade – The three unknown short stories featuring Dashiell Hammett’s Maltese Falcon star
Gary Gygax’s ‘Role Playing Mastery – Thoughts on RPGing from the man who (co) invented it
Meet Nero Wolfe – My favorite detective from a Sherlockian viewpoint
Those Sweet Silver Blues – Garrett, PI – Glen Cook’s superb fantasy hard-boiled private eye series
RPGing With a Board – Runebound – That one’s rather self-explanatory
John D. MacDonald: A Writer’s Writer – This wasn’t a PLoSH post, but could have been, and John MacD is my favorite writer
What’s Left?
It may not seem like it, but I don’t just throw these things together. I don’t even make stuff up. There are several topics I’ve started researching or given somewhat serious thought to. Some things you will probably read about in the next thirty posts:
The Iliad – the greatest novel ever written. Yeah, I know it’s a poem. Work with me here.
The Great Legend – Rex Stout’s (that Nero Wolfe guy) version of The Iliad
The Dark Monastery – A modern day version of the classic Judges Guild module, Tegel Manor
A look at the third edition revisions of some other Judges Guild modules
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – my favorite board/card game
Mystery/PI series by authors such as Tony Hillerman, Michael Stone, and Joe Gores
Glen Cook’s Black Company series
Hugh B. Cave’s forgotten hard-boiled private eye, Peter Kane
Tolkien’s The Children of Hurin
Some Robert E Howard/Conan stuff
Solar Pons – THE best successor to Sherlock Holmes
And of course, much more Holmes, especially on-screen incarnations. I’ll even defend (sort of) the Matt Frewer movies.
Next week, we’ll take a look at William Gillette, the first great Sherlock Holmes.
If there’s something Holmes you’d like to hear about, or something related to some other post I’ve made, drop me an email at and let me know. I figure that will guarantee at least one person reading that week.
And thanks to all who have left comments. I try to respond to each one. And I like it when the post is actually expanded upon through the comments. That’s one reason I try to leave a comment with some tidbit that wasn’t included in the post. To start a little conversation among friends.
Come, reader, come. The game is afoot!
Bob Byrne founded, the only website dedicated to the ‘Sherlock Holmes of Praed Street’ and blogs about Holmes and other mystery matters at Almost Holmes.
Wow! Have you done that many posts already, Bob? That’s extraordinary.
Since I had my doubts a Holmes column would generate enough interest to last here a month, I’m pretty pleased. Thanks for the spot.
I’d like to do some non-Holmes stuff on old Judges Guild, third edition and Pathfinder stuff if I can find the time. My RPG itch is coming back.
[…] week, to celebrate having written thirty posts for The Public Life of SH, I listed every column so far, with links to each. And I talked about some upcoming subjects: mostly […]
In case you haven’t seen this:
[…] on September 29th of last year, I created a linked index of all The Public Life of Sherlock Holmes posts up to that date, plus a few extras that I’d […]