Five Things to Try When You Hit Writer’s Block
Good afterevenmorn, Readers!
Well, I was struggling with what to write about in this week’s blog post. I was going to rave about a new C-Drama I just finished watching, but I figure you’re probably tired of that (though, if you don’t mind subtitles, please check out Arsenal Military Academy. It was extremely good; and unusual for me as a viewer because it involves a region of the world (China) at a time we rarely get to learn about unless you’re embarking on higher education about that particular subject (1930s). Highly recommend). That being the case, I’m going to share a few things I do whenever I feel like I’m struggling with writer’s block (which is rarely a block, and really more of a tell from my subconscious that I’m not on the right track). So here we go, my list of five things to do when experiencing writer’s block.