Birthday Reviews: February Index

Birthday Reviews: February Index

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January index

At the one sixth mark in our journey through the year, here’s a look back at the birthday reviews that appeared at Black Gate in February.

February 1, Yevgeny Zamyatin: “The Cave
February 2, Selina Rosen: “Food Quart
February 3, Alex Bledsoe: “Shall We Gather
February 4, Neal Asher: “Owner Space
February 5, Joseph H. Delaney: “Survival Course
February 6, Eric Flint: “Portraits
February 7, Karen Joy Fowler: “Always
February 8, Mary Robinette Kowal: “Just Right

February 9, Laura Frankos: “A Late Symmer Night’s Battle
February 10, John Shirley: “Occurrence at Owl Street Ridge
February 11, Daniel F. Galouye: “Sitting Duck
February 12, Terry Bisson: “Scout’s Honor
February 13, Maureen F. McHugh: “Ancestor Money
February 14, J.T. McIntosh: “Hermit
February 15, Jack Dann: “Rings Around the Moon
February 16, Iain M. Banks: “A Gift from the Culture
February 17, Andre Norton: “The Gifts of Asti
February 18, Gahan Wilson: “The Sea Was Wet as Wet Can Be
February 19, Jonathan Lethem: “Lostronaut
February 20, Richard Matheson: “Third from the Sun
February 21, Richard A. Lupoff: “Black Mist
February 22, Joanna Russ: “Nobody’s Home
February 23, W.E.B. Du Bois: “Jesus Christ in Texas
February 24, August Derleth: “The Return of Hastur
February 25, A.M. Dellamonica: “A Key to the Illuminated Heretic
February 26, Theodore Sturgeon: “The Girl Had Guts
February 27, Michael A. Burstein: “Reality Check
February 28, Stephen Goldin: “The Last Ghost
February 29, Tim Powers: “Through and Through

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