The Top 50 Black Gate Posts in June

Everyone loves an underdog, and last month the underdog was definitely Irene Gallo, the Creative Director of Tor Books and Associate Publisher of
Ms. Gallo had a rough month in June, as she endured a series of scathing attacks from Sad Puppies, writers, and others who took offense to a personal comment she made to a friend on her Facebook page. The industry rallied strongly to her defense, however, and the two articles we wrote covering the affair, “Internet Explodes Around Irene Gallo” and “Support For Irene Gallo Continues to Grow” were by far the most-read posts at the BG blog in June. Based on the high volume of e-mail we received, BG readers largely sympathized with Ms. Gallo.
It seems that those of you who weren’t caught up with the latest controversies were busy writing. Our third most popular article last month was M Harold Page’s “Some Writing Advice That’s Mostly Useless (And Why).” His first article in the series, “Help! I Want to Write a Novel But Don’t Have Any Ideas!!!” was also in the Top 10.
Fourth on the list was Emily Mah’s interview and Kickstarter announcement, “Call for Backers! Tales of the Lost Citadel Campaign on Kickstarter, in Conjunction with a Video Interview with C.A. Suleiman, in the DARK!” Rounding out the Top Five was the most recent installment in our series of omnibus collections of interest to fantasy fans, “The Omnibus Volumes of Steven Brust: The Adventures of Vlad Taltos.”
Also in the Top Ten was our report on the Best New Fantasy Releases in June, the first “Dear Prudentia” advice column by Marie Bilodeau, and two reviews by Fletcher Vredenburgh: Death Angel’s Shadow by Karl Edward Wagner, and Heroika 1: Dragon Eaters edited by Janet Morris.
The complete list of Top Articles for June follows. Below that, I’ve also broken out the most popular blog categories for the month.
The Top 50 Black Gate posts in June were:
- Support For Irene Gallo Continues to Grow
- Internet Explodes Around Irene Gallo
- Some Writing Advice That’s Mostly Useless (And Why)
- Call for Backers! Tales of the Lost Citadel Campaign on Kickstarter…
- The Omnibus Volumes of Steven Brust: The Adventures of Vlad Taltos
- The Future of Fantasy: The Best New Releases in June
- Dear Prudentia: Why Should I Include a She-Babe?
- “Help! I Want to Write a Novel But Don’t Have Any Ideas!!!”
- Death Angel’s Shadow by Karl Edward Wagner
- Heroika 1: Dragon Eaters edited by Janet Morris
- I Want to Believe: Ray Bradbury and the Sci-Fi in the Everyday
- Science Fiction Seeking Legitimacy: Connoisseur’s Science Fiction, edited by Tom Boardman
- Vintage Treasures: Jamie the Red by Gordon R. Dickson with Roland Green
- Do Fantasy Characters Poop in the Woods? Or, Real-Life Things That “Never” Happen in Fantasy
- The Media Expansion of a Sword & Sorcery World
- Things Your Writing Teacher Never Told You: Ignore the Market Guidelines at Your Peril – How (Not) to Build a Career
- Your Greatest Fan
- Dave Gross on Pitching and Pinching
- Werewolves, Ancient Alien Evil, and Babylonian Witches: Tales of the Werewolf Clan by H. Warner Munn
- Blogging from the Nebulas Weekend
- Discovering Robert E Howard: Paul Bishop on The Fists of R.E.H.
- Dear Prudentia: How Do I Find Motivation as a Female?
- Things Your Writing Teacher Never Told You: What Should You Put In a Cover Letter?
- Dear Prudentia: Red Sonja is Cooler Than You
- Out Now! The Change: Tales of Downfall and Rebirth, an Anthology Edited by S.M. Stirling
- Neil Gaiman and Kazuo Ishiguro on Sword & Sorcery
- Is the Grail a Force For Evil? Understanding Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
- Report from the Field: Three Small Children Tell Us How to Warrior Right
- The Series Series: Shieldwall: Barbarians! by M. Harold Page
- The Public Life of Sherlock Holmes: Magnifying Glass, Pipe and Deerstalker
- R.A. MacAvoy’s The Book of Kells
- The Public Life of Sherlock Holmes: Looking at The Bruce Partington Plans
- Unknown, September 1939: A Retro-Review
- Presenting the 2015 Nebula Awards
- The mid-June Fantasy Magazine Rack
- A Tour of the National Museum of Iraq
- Vintage Treasures: Dragonflight and Dragonquest by Anne McCaffrey
- New Treasures: The Edge of Reason Trilogy by Melinda Snodgrass
- Vintage Treasures: The Dream Lords by Adrian Cole
- The Top 50 Black Gate Posts in May
- Ancient Worlds: The Sabine Women, or How Not to Get Married
- The 2015 David Gemmell Award Nominees
- The Novels of Tanith Lee: The Secret Books of Paradys
- The Public Life of Sherlock Holmes: Why Solar Pons?
- A Gateway to Fantasy for Young Readers: Amulet by Kazu Kibuishi
- One Shot, One Story: Ray Bradbury
- Vintage Treasures: Ariosto by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
- Erik Chevalier Reaches Settlement With FTC For Kickstarter Failure
- Dungeon Crawling is Fun Again: Etrian Odyssey
- Faces of Iraq
The top categories last month were:
- New Treasures
- Fiction
- Books
- Blog Entry
- Vintage Treasures
- Magazines
- Reviews
- Essays
- Pulp
- Art of the Genre
- Game Reviews
- News
- Interviews
- Convention Report
- Editor’s Blog
- Series Fantasy
- Uncategorized
- Music
- Future Treasures
- Goth Chick
The Top 5o Black Gate blog posts in May are here, and you can see all 133 posts we made in the month of June here.
My personal favorite was # 44, but there are so many good ones, which is why I like to stop by every day.
Thanks RK!
Yay R.K. Robinson!
(your check is in the mail!)
Seriously, thanks.
Bob – the top article in July so far, by a wide margin, is “The Public Life of Sherlock Holmes: Sherlock Season 3 – What Happened?” So maybe you’ll rule the charts next month. 🙂
Ah: Never had the top spot. I was afraid after finishing #2 in May and plummeting in June, I was now just chopped liver.
Maybe if I ever actually write a Rise of the Runelords PF Card Game post… (played a five person scenario last night. Much fun in spite of my Cleric losing her hand each of the first two turns…).
> I was afraid after finishing #2 in May and plummeting in June, I was now just chopped liver.
Fame is fleeting, my friend. Enjoy it while it lasts. 🙂
> Maybe if I ever actually write a Rise of the Runelords PF Card Game post…
Can’t speak for anyone else, but I’d love to see that!