Search Results for: Literary Wonder

Literary Wonder & Adventure Podcast: Clark Ashton Smith, Poet of The Fantastic

I’ve started listening to podcasts during my morning commute on the train and, let me tell you, I am an instant fan. I can’t explain what took me so long to discover them, but I am a convert. I’ve really been enjoying Jonathan Strahan & Gary K. Wolfe’s Coode Street Podcast, and am just getting into Welcome to Night Vale. But the best podcast I listened to this month was Episode 9 of the Literary Wonder & Adventure Show from our…

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Literary Wonder & Adventure Podcast: Halloween Special 2017

If you’re even an irregular Black Gate reader, you’ve probably seen our previous coverage of Robert Zoltan’s excellent Literary Wonder & Adventure podcast. As we’ve mentioned, calling it a podcast doesn’t do it justice, as it’s really a professionally-produced radio show set in the dimension-hopping Dream Tower (with a talking raven). It doesn’t hurt that the host has a habit of interviewing talent associated with Black Gate, including bloggers Ryan Harvey and Rich Horton, and our Managing Editor Howard Andrew…

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Literary Wonder & Adventure Podcast: The Golden Age of Science Fiction, Part II

Part II of II; read a review of Part I here. Host Robert Zoltan has returned with his second installment of a look back at the Golden Age of Science Fiction. Zoltan and (Edgar the Raven’s) guest for Part II is Rich Horton, editor of The Year’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy (Prime Books), reprint editor for Light Speed, and columnist for Locus and Black Gate. Horton endorses the standard narrative of the start and finish of science fiction’s “golden age,”…

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Literary Wonder & Adventure Podcast: The Golden Age of Science Fiction, Part 1

New podcast on the block Literary Wonder & Adventure Show is a welcome addition for fans of the fantasy and science fiction genres. I became a listener after stumbling upon Robert E. Howard: Master of Sword & Sorcery, featuring an interview with Black Gate contributor and author Howard Andrew Jones. Host Robert Zoltan has created a fun program that balances entertainment and informative, thoughtful interviews with interesting guests, as well as the occasional audio drama. The Literary Wonder & Adventure…

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Literary Wonder & Adventure Show: EPISODE 5: The Strand (Full Audio Drama)

I was three years old when Star Wars scorched movie screens with the force of a Death Star Superlaser. 2001: A Space Odyssey had already been out for almost a decade, Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock syndicated for twice the duration of their original mission. Sci-Fi, in other words, had already conquered both the big and small screens. Radio shows had been long superseded by new technology. Yet here I am in 2017, thoroughly enjoying the Literary Wonder & Adventure…

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Support the Literary Wonder & Adventure Show!

Dream Tower Media, fine folks behind the Literary Wonder & Adventure Show, have launched a Patreon site to help fund it and offset some of the extensive costs of creating a top-notch audio program. And you know what that means. That’s right — you can now help support the creation of new episodes in this fine podcast series! And Robert Zoltan (and his pal Edgar the Raven) have some terrific new episodes in the pipeline. They will be following up…

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Literary Wonder & Adventure Podcast Presents: Robert E. Howard, Master of Sword & Sorcery: A Conversation with Author Howard Andrew Jones

I have thoroughly enjoyed the last two audio shows from Robert Zoltan’s Dream Tower Media, a lively conversation with Black Gate blogger Ryan Harvey on Edgar Rice Burroughs, and a fascinating discussion with Scott Oden on the history and writing of J.R.R. Tolkien. So I was very excited to see that for Episode #4 the subject was the distinguished Howard Andrew Jones, author of the beloved Dabir & Asim Arabian fantasy tales, and the future bestseller For the Killing of Kings, out next…

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Literary Wonder & Adventure Podcast Presents: J.R.R. Tolkien, Master of Modern Mythology: A Conversation with Author Scott Oden

I really enjoyed the last audio show from Dream Tower Media, a lively conversation with Black Gate blogger Ryan Harvey on Edgar Rice Burroughs and his enduring works. So I was very pleased to see Robert Zoltan and his co-host Edgar the Raven return last month with a brand new episode of their Literary Wonder & Adventure Podcast, a conversation with author Scott Oden (Memnon, The Lion of Cairo) that delves deep into the history and writing of J.R.R. Tolkien….

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Literary Wonder & Adventure Podcast Presents: Edgar Rice Burroughs, A Conversation with Ryan Harvey

Dream Tower Media, the mad geniuses behind The Blue Lamp by Robert Zoltan (which Fletcher Vredenburgh called “marvelous… a full sound production, like a radio show”), have released Episode 2 of their new audio series, the Literary Wonder & Adventure Podcast. The title is spot on, as this one-hour episode is a thoroughly entertaining and far-ranging discussion of the great Edgar Rice Burroughs, featuring Robert Zoltan and Black Gate‘s own Ryan Harvey. Like The Blue Lamp, this is no typical podcast, but an…

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Truth, Lies, and Vinyl Wonderland

Vinyl Wonderland (Castle Bridge Media, June 25, 2024). Cover uncredited Some months back, I was toiling away in the vast Indiana compound of Black Gate, when I received a text from publisher John O’Neill, who had just finished reading my new novel, Vinyl Wonderland. He told me how much he enjoyed it –– don’t take my word for it, ask him –– and then he told me how sorry he was. “What for?” I asked. “Well,” said John, “if you…

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