Beneath Ceaseless Skies 188 Now Available

Beneath Ceaseless Skies 188 Now Available

Beneath Ceaseless Skies 188-smallThe December 10th issue of Beneath Ceaseless Skies, issue #188, arrives with a brand new cover, “Huashan Temple” by Xiao Ran, a concept artist from Shanghai, China. Click on the image at right to see a bigger version.

Issue #188 has short fiction from Nick Scorza and John Wheeler, and a reprint (from issue #120) by Laura E. Price.

Eyes Beyond the Fire” by Nick Scorza
When no eyes were on her, Lys frayed a rope with her knife — choosing one which would not harm the sails but would send an iron pulley tumbling into the sea. When Tamlen angrily ordered a replacement brought from the cargo hold, Lys was first to volunteer and on her way before anyone could deny her.

The Rest Will Blur Together” by John Wheeler
I am Melika. And that is all, now. My grandfather — I believe he was my grandfather — said that our memories make us who we are. I hope that he was wrong, for if he spoke the truth, then I am no one.

From the Archives:
The Drowned Man” by Laura E. Price
The drowned man brushed past Corwyn in his hurry to get away from her sister.

Nick Scorza has been published in magazines such as Something Wicked, Hobart, and Dogwood. John Wheeler is a graduate of the Alpha Science Fiction and Fantasy Workshop for Young Writers; this looks like his first sale.

Read issue 188 online completely free here.

Beneath Ceaseless Skies is edited by Scott H. Andrews and published twice a month by Firkin Press. Issues are available completely free online; you can also get a free e-mail or RSS subscription.

Firkin Press also sells a Kindle/e-Reader subscription, which includes automatic delivery to your Kindle or other device. A 12-month subscription comes with 26 issues and costs only $13.99. Single issues are available on Kindle and at Weightless Books for 99 cents. Subscribe here.

The magazine supports itself though subscriptions, and also by selling anthologies, including the annual Best of BCS volumes and occasional themed books such as the steampunk anthology Ceaseless West. The anthologies each contain 15-18 stories and cost only $2.99-$3.99.

We last covered Beneath Ceaseless Skies with issue #187.

See our December Fantasy Magazine Rack here, and all of our recent Magazine coverage here.

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