Search Results for: chizine

ChiZine Announces Don Bassingthwaite’s Cocktails at Seven, Apocalypse at Eight

Don Bassingthwaite is a man of many talents. We published his terrific sword & sorcery tale “Barbarian Instinct” in Black Gate 5, and an excerpt from his unpublished Kingdoms of Kalamar novel Point of the Knife in Black Gate 7. On top of that, he was the magazine’s Games Editor for our first four years, recruiting top-notch talent to write reviews for us, including Jennifer Brozek, Howard Andrew Jones, Dave Webb, Johanna Meade, and Michael Thibault. Don’s writing career has taken…

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Embrace the Odd: The Fantasy Catalog of ChiZine Publications

Last month, I attended the World Fantasy Convention in Washington D.C. (my first trip to the city) and had a marvelous time. I attended readings by over a dozen writers, sat in on terrific panels, and reconnected with close friends I haven’t seen in far too long. But I probably spent the most time in the Dealers Room, where publishers and collectors laid out their wares on closely packed tables. We talk about a lot of new books here at…

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Call for Backers, Fearful Symmetries, Edited by Ellen Datlow in Conjunction with ChiZine on Kickstarter: An Audio Mini-Interview

This is a very brief interview – I’ll be doing a longer one with Ellen in the next few months. I wanted to catch up with her, though, about her Kickstarter campaign for Fearful Symmetries, an unthemed horror anthology she will edit, published by Chizine. As of right now, the campaign is underway and not yet fully funded. I thought it worth calling people’s attention to it because: 1) Ellen edits amazing anthologies, mixing work by seasoned pros and promising newcomers…

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ChiZine Publications Launches ChiTeen Young Adult Imprint

Our homies in Toronto, the almost-too-cool-for-planet-Earth ChiZine Publications, have announced a brand new imprint aimed at the YA market, ChiTeen. “As a business, you can’t ignore the young adult market,” says co-publisher Brett Alexander Savory. “Over the last decade, writers like Rowling, Gaiman and Collins were consistently on bestseller lists. We’ve been wanting to get into the YA market for a couple of years, and now the timing is right.” “The timing is right” is sometimes code for “We just couldn’t…

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ChiZine Publications’ eBooks Now Available on iTunes Store

ChiZine Publications, one of the best of the genre small press, has announced all of its titles are now available for the iPad, iPhone and iPod through Apple’s iTunes Store. This is pretty cool, because I just bought an iPad to experiment with electronic versions of Black Gate, and I’ve been trying to find some good books to read. ChiZine Publications already has their titles — including The Door to Lost Pages by Claude Lalumière, and Isles of the Forsaken…

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New Treasures: A Salute to ChiZine Publications

At the end of October I found myself at the World Fantasy Convention, with Howard Andrew Jones, Bill Ward, Ryan Harvey, and pretty much the entirety of Team Black Gate — talking publishing with other small press owners on panels, attending late-night parties, and cheering on the mighty James Enge during the World Fantasy Awards. It wasn’t all fun and games, of course. We bought a table in the Dealer’s Room, and for most of the convention I was parked behind it, selling magazines….

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The Cost of Publishing Through a Small Press

I’m sure many of you by now have heard of the sudden controversy that erupted around Canadian horror/speculative fiction publisher, ChiZine. The story has been picked up by Victoria Strauss of Writer Beware. You always know it’s bad when Writer Beware gets involved. For those of you who are blissfully unaware of the situation, good for you. Stay that way if you can. If you insist on knowing it all, I can recommend a great round-up by High Fever Books (here). Start…

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New Treasures: The Saturday Night Ghost Club by Craig Davidson

Craig Davidson is the author of Sarah Court and Cataract City and, under the name Nick Cutter, The Acolyte, from ChiZine Publications, which we covered here back in 2015. His newest is the definition of a breakout novel. It’s gotten rave reviews from the New York Times, Publisher’s Weekly, Kirkus, and numerous other places. As Jason Heller puts it at NPR, it’s a novel that celebrates the wonders and horrors of being a kid: Jake Baker, the main character of Craig Davidson’s…

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In 500 Words or Less: It’s Not the End and Other Lies by Matt Moore

It’s Not the End and Other Lies by Matt Moore ChiZine Publications (300 pages, $17.99 paperback, $10.99 eBook, July 2018) When I was newly-arrived in Ottawa, starting my first year as a high school teacher and still struggling to “break in” as a writer, I subscribed to On Spec, Canada’s premier magazine for short speculative fiction. One of the first issues I received was On Spec #92 in spring 2013, containing an op-ed titled “Next Stop: Suburban Fantasy” that discussed the…

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In 500 Words or Less: Antilia: Sword and Song by Kate Story

Antilia: Sword and Song by Kate Story ChiZine Publications (280 pages, $14.99 paperback and eBook, June 19 2018) I firmly believe we need less grimdark and more hopepunk these days, but I still like novels that explore a darker near-future, since they remind us we aren’t out of the woods yet. That’s the specific focus of Antilia: Sword and Song by Kate Story, which straddles two worlds: a near-future North American Union governed by a populist, militant government, and a strange fantasy realm…

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