The Top 50 Black Gate Posts in May

The Top 50 Black Gate Posts in May


Four Thousand Year Old Bread from Ancient Egypt

Sean McLachlan was the top draw at the Black Gate blog last month, with three posts in the Top Ten for May — including the #1 article, a mouth-watering report on 4,000 year-old bread found in a tomb in Ancient Egypt (with pics!) Sean’s adventure-filled report on braving scorpions and impassible tunnels at the Queens’ Pyramids at Giza came in at #7. While he was in Egypt, Sean also interviewed Egyptian Science Fiction writer Mohammad Rabie, and that rounded out the Top 10 for the month.

It’s tough to compete with 4,000 year-old bread, but a few brave souls made the effort. Andrew Zimmerman Jones came closest to glory, with an exclusive scoop on two new Starfinder Starships, which came in at #2 for the month. Next was our advice on creating an instant SF collection (with loot pics from the Windy City Pulp & Paper show), followed by our report on the release of the second issue of Skelos, and Mick Gall’s review of the album Hardwired… to Self Destruct, “Cthulhu in Metallica.”

Coming in at #6 for the month was the update on the Best of Heroic Fantasy Quarterly Volume II Kickstarter, followed by Doug Ellis’s reminiscence on art and vintage paperback collecting, “Why You Should Go to Conventions.” Closing out the list was our May 21st report on the 2016 Nebula Award winners.

The complete list of Top Articles for May follows. Below that, I’ve also broken out the most popular overall articles, online fiction, and blog categories for the month.

The Top 50 Black Gate posts in May were:

  1. Four Thousand Year Old Bread from Ancient Egypt
  2. Modular: Black Gate Exclusive – Two New Starfinder Starships
  3. How to Assemble an Instant Science Fiction Collection
  4. Skelos 2 Now Available
  5. Cthulhu in Metallica
  6. Support the Best of Heroic Fantasy Quarterly Volume II Kickstarter!
  7. The Queens’ Pyramids at Giza
  8. Why You Should Go to Conventions
  9. The 2016 Nebula Award Winners
  10. Black Gate Interviews Egyptian Science Fiction Author Mohammad Rabie


  11. I Became a Science Fiction Fan at Exactly the Right Time: The Sixties
  12. Goth Chick News: C2E2 2017 – More Harley Quinn’s Than You Can Swing A Mallet At
  13. Premiere issue of New Pulp Magazine Broadswords and Blasters, Now Available in Print and Kindle
  14. Thrilling, Startling, Futuristic: The Adventure House Pulp Reprints
  15. The Great Savage Sword Re-Read: Vol 4
  16. A Jaunt Through Clark Ashton Smith’s Collected Fantasies—Vol. 2: The Door to Saturn
  17. Even More Metal on Metal: Swords of Steel Volume III
  18. Sailing Against the Tides of Perdition: Pirates in Hell, edited by Janet and Chris Morris
  19. Trader to the Stars by Poul Anderson
  20. The Barnes & Noble Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog on the Best SF and Fantasy Books in May


  21. Goth Chick News: Are the Blade Runner and Alien Worlds Colliding?
  22. The Complete Carpenter: Escape from New York (1981)
  23. We All Need to Read More Le Guin: The Language of the Night by Ursula K. Le Guin
  24. Worldbuilding a “Star Punk” Future #2: Post-Certainty Society in Elizabeth Moon’s Vatta’s Peace
  25. Exclusive Preview: Archipelago by Charlotte Ashley, Andrew Leon Hudson & Kurt Hunt
  26. Buck Rogers meets Lovecraftian Horror: The Weird Space Novels by Eric Brown and Una McCormack
  27. Stories from a S&S Griot: Nyumbani Tales by Charles R. Saunders
  28. The Top Black Gate Posts in April
  29. Things Your Writing Teacher Never Told You: Getting to Know Your Omniscient Narrator
  30. Pellucidar Break: The Monster Men by Edgar Rice Burroughs


  31. Wolves, Bears, Cats & Dragons: The Best Animal Sidekicks in Fantasy
  32. A Mythic Crime Story: Top Cow’s Postal
  33. Keep Up With the Latest Releases from Black Gate Authors
  34. Edinburgh’s Monthly Mini-Convention: Shoreline of Infinity’s Event Horizon
  35. April Short Story Roundup
  36. The Great Savage Sword Re-Read: Vol 5
  37. io9 on 20 Amazing New SF and Fantasy Books in May
  38. Future Treasures: Nebula Awards Showcase 2017, edited by Julie E. Czerneda
  39. The Rationality of the Monstrous: Fourscore Phantasmagores
  40. Derek’s Ridiculously Late 2016 Year in Review, or Book Deal!


  41. The Return of a Classic Fantasy Hero: A Review of T.C. Rypel’s Dark Ventures
  42. Future Treasures: The Year’s Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 2017, edited by Rich Horton
  43. Spacial Delivery by Gordon R. Dickson
  44. A Tale of Two Covers: Neal Asher’s Infinity Engine
  45. Defending of Realm
  46. An Homage to Classic Superheroes: After the Golden Age by Carrie Vaughn
  47. Sound the Horns! Swords of Steel III Arrives Next Week
  48. Fantasy Warriors and Plastic Toy Soldiers on Memorial Day
  49. The Late May Fantasy Magazine Rack
  50. May 2017 Clarkesworld Now Available

There were plenty of older articles popular last month as well. The 25 most popular blog posts written before May were:

  1. The Scariest Hour in TV History: Space 1999: “Dragon’s Domain”
  2. Death Knight Love Story: WMA meets WTF
  3. Goth Chick News: Samuel L. Jackson Takes On Japanese OVA – Hold On To Your Butts…
  4. “Are You Not Still Entertained?”: Gladiator’s 10-Year Oscar Anniversary
  5. Heroic Fantasy with the Sharp Edge of Reality: A Review of The Sacred Band by Janet Morris and Chris Morris
  6. The Return of the King (1980)
  7. Solitaire Adventure with Victory Point Games
  8. My Fantasia Festival, Days 5 to 7: Cold in July, The Fatal Encounter, and Huntresses
  9. Blowing the Doors Off the Barn: Expanding the Iron Fist Mythos
  10. Fantasia Diary 2015, Day 5: Teana: 10000 Years Later, Crimson Whale, and The Shamer’s Daughter
  11. New Treasures: The Library of America Publishes Elmore Leonard
  12. Return to Thieves World in Beyond Sanctuary: The Revised and Expanded Author’s Cut by Janet Morris
  13. Collecting (and Selling) Ace Doubles
  14. Adventures on Stage: Fantasy Literature’s Missing Link
  15. Modular: The New Mongoose Traveller RPG #0: Transported by Free Trader Beowulf!
  16. Eccentric in Retrospect: Helen Simpson’s The Woman on the Beast
  17. Haunt the House: The Music and Art of Will Houlihan
  18. Living it Large: How Larger Than Life Characters Work
  19. Adventures In Gaming: The Temple Of the Sea Gods
  20. The IX by Andrew P. Weston
  21. Tribulations Herculean and Tragic: Beyond Wizardwall by Janet Morris
  22. The Series Series: Shieldwall: Barbarians! by M. Harold Page
  23. Caught Between Rebels and the Empire’s Blackest Magic: Beyond the Veil: The Revised and Expanded Author’s Cut by Janet Morris
  24. I, The Sun by Janet Morris
  25. Read “The Great Detective” by Delia Sherman at

The Top Black Gate Online Fiction features were:

  1. The first chapter of The Wreck of the Marissa by M Harold Page
  2. An excerpt from Pirates in Hell, edited by Janet Morris and Chris Morris
  3. An excerpt from The Sacred Band by Janet Morris and Chris Morris
  4. Seven Against Hell” by Janet Morris and Chris Morris
  5. Vestments of Pestilence” by John C. Hocking
  6. An excerpt from Truck Stop Earth by Michael A. Armstrong
  7. An excerpt from Mouth of the Dragon by Tom Barczak
  8. An excerpt from Shards of the Glass Slipper: Queen Cinder by Roy A. Mauritsen
  9. Nero Wolfe – Stamped for Murder” by Bob Byrne
  10. The Moonstones of Sor Lunarum” by Joe Bonadonna
  11. The Sorrowless Thief” by Ryan Harvey
  12. Stand at Duben-Geb” by Ryan Harvey
  13. Iron Joan” by ElizaBeth Gilligan
  14. Fiction Excerpt: “Tumithak of the Corridors” by Charles R. Tanner
  15. An excerpt from The Black Fire Concerto by Mike Allen
  16. Tsathoggua” by Michael Shea
  17. An excerpt from Black City Demon by Richard A. Knaak
  18. In the Wake Of Sister Blue” by Mark Rigney
  19. Queen of Toads” by Joe Bonadonna
  20. An excerpt from Waters of Darkness by David C. Smith and Joe Bonadonna
  21. An excerpt from Soleri by Michael Johnston
  22. Fiction Excerpt: “The Beautiful Corridor” by Jonathan L. Howard
  23. An excerpt from Mad Shadows II by Joe Bonadonna
  24. A Holmes Christmas Carol” by Bob Byrne

The top categories last month were:

  1. Editor’s Blog
  2. Vintage Treasures
  3. Art
  4. News
  5. Books
  6. BG Staff
  7. Magazines
  8. Role Playing Games
  9. Blog Entry
  10. Interviews
  11. Art of the Genre
  12. Conan
  13. Comics
  14. New Treasures
  15. Fiction
  16. Reviews
  17. Games
  18. Goth Chick
  19. Series Fantasy
  20. Rich Horton
  21. Pulp
  22. Future Treasures
  23. Convention Report
  24. Pastiche

The Top 50 Black Gate blog posts in April are here, and you can see all 100 posts we made in the month of May here.

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