Future Treasures: Mech edited by Tim Marquitz and Nick Sharps

Future Treasures: Mech edited by Tim Marquitz and Nick Sharps

Mech Age of Steel-smallLast year we told you about Kaiju Rising: Age of Monsters, the book that founded Ragnarok Publications. Since then I’ve been very impressed with the astonishing energy from Ragnarok’s founders, Joe Martin and Tim Marquitz. In their first year they released 22 titles, and their recent releases have included Martin’s Blackguards: Tales of Assassins, Mercenaries. and Rogues, which we covered here, Stacey Turner’s Grimm Mistresses, Kenny Soward’s Gnomesaga trilogy, and many others.

Ragnarok recently announced plans for a companion anthology to Kaiju Rising, Mech: Age of Steel, edited by Tim Marquitz and Nick Sharps. Here’s the scoop:

Growing up there was only one thing I loved more than giant monsters and that would be giant robots! The anthology will feature a diverse array of tales from some of the genre’s finest talent (including some returning favorites from Kaiju Rising) and each story will be accompanied by a piece of interior art by either Frankie B. Washington or Oksana Dmitrienko (the latter’s work is seen throughout Blackguards: Tales of Assassins, Mercenaries, and Rogues)…

The Mech: Age of Steel Kickstarter campaign will launch in Q3/4 2015 and feature stories from some of the genre’s finest talent.

They’ve already announced a preliminary line-up of authors for the book, and it includes several names that will be familiar to Black Gate authors, including Martha Wells and Jennifer Brozek, as well as Jeremy Robinson, Graham McNeill, C.L. Werner, and many others.

The contributors include:

Kevin J. Anderson & David Boop
Jody Lynn Nye
Graham McNeill
Peter Clines
Jeremy Robinson
Martha Wells
Jeffrey J. Mariotte & Marsheila Rockwell
Ramez Naam & Jason M. Hough
Gini Koch (writing as J.C. Koch)
Jeff Somers
Matt Forbeck
Anton Strout
Bill Fawcett
C.L. Werner
James Ray Tuck, Jr.
M.L. Brennan
Timothy W. Long
Jennifer Brozek
Kane Gilmour
Paul Genesse
Patrick M. Tracy
Andrew Liptak
Steve Diamond

The cover art is by Victor Adame.

Read more details at the Ragnarok website.

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