Prelude to GenCon 2010…

Prelude to GenCon 2010…

hollow-earthIt’s that time of year again, when I’ll be slipping into full-on geek mode (as if I ever slip out of geek mode, of course) and reporting on this blog from Gen Con Indy, “The Best Four Days in Gaming.” This year, it’ll just be the best three days for me – Thursday, Friday, and Saturday – and while that won’t be enough time to see everything at GenCon, it’ll definitely be time to see plenty, photograph it, and, who knows, maybe even pulls together a video or two. (No promises on that last one.)

First, let me link back to some of my reports from last year, so that we can see what the big stories were:

Through these posts, you’ll see that I got introduced to a lot of great games last year: Colonial Gothic, Pathfinder, Hollow Earth Expedition, Desolation, Hero Mages, and the visually stunning Shard RPG.

I expect nothing less this year, with the most fun usually coming from the games that I’d never even heard of until I stumbled upon the booth. This year, I’ll also try to get some coverage of the other aspects of Gen Con, such as the writing panels by top fantasy authors and editors.

And let us not forget the abundance of media guests, including the majority of the cast of the gamer-based web television series “The Guild.” (Dare I dream that I might get my DVD copy of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog autographed by Miss Felicia Day?) Actually, now that I think about it … I’ll have to find a way, if the opportunity arises, to present Wil Wheaton with an autographed copy of String Theory for Dummies. If I pull that off, rest assured, a picture will be posted!

Feel free to offer up any other tips on what you’d like to hear about.

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Matthew Wuertz

You should think about checking out Video Games Live if you haven’t already. I’ve been twice. It’s a great show, and the GenCon audience always makes things extra entertaining.


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