Weird Fiction Review #7 Now on Sale

Weird Fiction Review #7 Now on Sale

weird-fiction-review-7-smallFlash bulletin to all my fellow magazine collectors — Centipede Press has just announced the release of the latest issue of their massive annual Weird Fiction Review. It’s not yet listed at Amazon (or anywhere else I can find), and they don’t even have their usual sample pages up yet. But! As they often do, Centipede Press has early-bird pricing direct on their website — $16 off the regular price. But act fast; that pricing won’t last.

Here’s the issue blurb:

The Weird Fiction Review is an annual periodical devoted to the study of weird and supernatural fiction. It is edited by S.T. Joshi. This seventh issue contains fiction, poetry, and reviews from leading writers and promising newcomers. It features original stories and essays by Steve Rasnic Tem, Mark Howard Jones, Jonathan Thomas, John Shirley, Nicole Cushing, Jason V Brock on David Bowie, a fabulous essay on the Micronauts by Chad Hensley, an article on Jack Finney by John C. Tibbets, newly discovered artwork by John Stewart, a lengthy illustrated piece on artist Mike Ploog by John Butler, a terrific new interview with William Hjortsberg by Dave Roberts, and much more. The list price on this item is $35 and it is on sale for $19.

See the complete contents here. We last covered Weird Fiction Review with Issue #6.

Weird Fiction Review is edited by S.T. Joshi and published by Centipede Press. It is printed on high quality paper with lots of color. No idea how big this issue is; the last two were 300+ pages. The list price is $35 for the sewn trade paperback; the press run is limited to 500 copies. Get more detail and order copies at Centipede Press.

Our Late November Fantasy Magazine Rack is here, and you can see all of our recent magazine coverage here.

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