April 2017 Apex Magazine Now Available

April 2017 Apex Magazine Now Available

Apex Magazine April 2017-smallWalter Mosley is the author of the bestselling Easy Rawlins series, hard-boiled detective novels featuring a black private investigator in post WWII L.A. But he’s also dabbed successfuly in science fiction, with the novels Blue Light and The Wave, and the collection Futureland. So it wasn’t too much of a surprise to see a brand new Walter Mosley story in the latest issue of Apex. Here’s Stephanie Wexler’s take at Tangent Online.

Marilee Frith-DeGeorgio in “Cut, Cut, Cut” by Walter Mosley gets by creating social media advertising to pay rent, producing bad pottery and spending her days pursuing men on a date site called People for People. Pretty sure her ideal man is not her husband or her first date (body odor challenged) and then she meets Martin, man of mystery and plastic surgeon. It isn’t long before Marilee discovers Martin is too good to be true, when she is interviewed by a Detective Wade. The Detective claims he is still a subject of interest in their missing persons case. What is even stranger is Martin’s version sketches a love affair. Despite Martin’s omission, she continues to act as double agent for Detective Wade. The mystery deepens and her tryst with Martin becomes more than just a nightly romp between the sheets. She even confesses to her sister this double agent role is arousing her even more. Martin is pretty accepting of her questions and isn’t even upset that she is probing. At this point, I am committed to seeing where Marilee’s actions lead her and why Martin is so adamant that Marilee visit his lab…

Read Stephanie’s complete review here.

The April issue of Apex contains new fiction from Walter Mosley, Sheree Renée Thomas, Chesya Burke, and Kendra Fortmeyer, as well as poetry, a podcast, an editorial by guest editor Maurice Broaddus, an article on diversity by Tanya C. DePass, and interviews with Sheree Renée Thomas and cover artist Angelique Shelley.

Here’s the complete TOC, with links to all the free content.


Not Here to Check Boxes by Maurice Broaddus


Cut, Cut, Cut by Walter Mosley (Short Story)
Aunt Dissy’s Policy Dream Book by Sheree Renée Thomas (Novelette)
Say, She Toy by Chesya Burke (Short Story)
The Selkie Wives by Kendra Fortmeyer (Short Story)


Interview with Author Sheree Renée Thomas by Andrea Johnson
Time to Get Serious About Diversity and Inclusion by Tanya C. DePass
Interview with Cover Artist Angelique Shelley by Russell Dickerson


VOX by LH Moore
Things That Earth No Longer Bears by Linda D. Addison

Podcast Fiction

You can subscribe to Apex’s monthly podcast at iTunes.

The marvelous cover is by Angelique Shelley.

Apex Magazine is a monthly science fiction, fantasy, and horror publication featuring original short stories, poetry and non-fiction. It is edited by Jason Sizemore and Lesley Conner, and released the first Tuesday of every month. The Reprints Editor is Maurice Broaddus, and the Podcast Producer is Mahvesh Murad.

We last covered Apex Magazine with the January 2017 issue.

Apex Magazine is published by Apex Publications. Issues are available free online, and sold for $2.99 in a variety of digital formats. Subscriptions are just $19.95 for one year (12 issues) in EPUB, Mobi, and PDF formats.

The complete issue is here, and you can buy back issues or subscribe at their website.

Our April Fantasy Magazine Rack is here. See all of our recent fantasy magazine coverage here.

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