Art of the Genre: A Call To My Readers!

It’s the holiday season here at Black Gate and I wanted to thank all my devoted readers for my multiple ‘#1 Monthly Post’ plaques that hang on my office wall for the year. Art of the Genre is a wonderful way to connect with you all and I truly hope we can continue to lead Black Gate content statistics in 2015.
I also wanted to ask for your continued support with a pledge to my current crowd-funding campaign for the AD&D 1E module, The Folio, that is currently a ‘Staff Pick’ over on Kickstarter. I need your help to see this project reach its goals. The content presents the feel of an old school Dragon/Dungeon Magazine while also having a fully removable cover like the TSR classic modules of old.
I’ve put in the work, gotten this thing done and ready to print, but I need my readers to make it a full reality. In fact, I wanted to share some quotes about the project from my office mates here at Black Gate L.A. so you get a good understanding of the commitment already behind the project.
Editor-in-Chief John O’Neill: ‘It’s in shrink right? Then yes, I’ll pledge, so I can have an excuse to never read it!’
BG Horror Correspondent Goth Chick: ‘I had to pledge for two copies because the coffee machine in the basement keeps leaking and I needed something to mop up the spills with.’
BG Movie Reviewer Ryan Harvey: ‘Honestly, I pledged so Scott would stop knocking on my door every day to ask if I’d done so yet.’
BG Secretary Kandi: ‘I was promised a starring role in the film adaptation if I pledged.’
BG Gaming Correspondent James Maliszewski: ‘If it isn’t Holmes, I don’t want it, and get out of my office!’
Seriously, with friends like these, I NEED MY READERS! So give yourself a gaming gift this season and back The Folio and I promise you won’t be disappointed! Just click on the banner below!
I pledged, at the top level. You better not be kidding about that shrink wrap.
LOL, Well John, I wouldn’t want you to read it, so you are darn right it will be in shrink [and I have to have a way to keep the cover on!] 🙂
Actually it was the blender that kept leaking Art dear and I must say, the paper isn’t all that absorbent
PS: I prefer “underground bunker” – basement sounds so, well you know…