John DeNardo’s February Speculative Fiction Books You Can’t Miss

John DeNardo’s February Speculative Fiction Books You Can’t Miss

The Guns of Ivrea-smallJohn DeNardo gets it. It’s not a lack of choice that keeps us from choosing what to read… it’s that there are too many great books to choose from!

As the February lineup of science-fiction, fantasy, and horror books will prove, it’s not a lack of books that make it difficult to find something to read. If anything, there are too many books to read. Here’s a list of books to help you narrow down your selection. I’d say “choose wisely”… but all of these are sure bets. Titles this month include a serial killer, merfolk, human trafficking, illegal magic, a Lovecraftian demon, and more.

The Guns of Ivrea by Clifford Beal

WHAT IT’S ABOUT: The fates of a former thief, a pirate mercenary, and the daughter of the chief of the merfolk converge on a series of events that could mean war.

WHY YOU MIGHT LIKE IT: This is the first installment of what promises to be a swashbuckling seafaring fantasy series.

Graft by Matt Hill

WHAT IT’S ABOUT: In near-future Manchester, a local mechanic named Sol who steals car parts stumbles onto a trans-dimensional human trafficking conspiracy.DreamingDeath

WHY YOU MIGHT LIKE IT: The chase is on as Sol and a three-armed woman named Y run from their pursuers.

Read the complete article, with 16 selections of top-notch February fantasy and SF, here.

The distinguished Mr. DeNardo has plenty more valuable suggestions for those on the hunt for great reading.

John DeNardo’s January Must-Read Speculative Fiction
The Best of the Best of 2015’s Science-Fiction and Fantasy Books
John DeNardo’s 2015 Science-Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Holiday Gift Guide
John DeNardo on Why I Love Retro Science Fiction
John DeNardo’s Five Reasons to Read Short Speculative Fiction Anthologies
John DeNardo’s Quick History of Serialized Science Fiction and Fantasy

See all of our coverage of the best new fantasy here.

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