Fantasy Scroll Magazine 7 Now Available

Fantasy Scroll Magazine 7 Now Available

Fantasy Scroll Magazine 7 June 2015-smallThe seventh issue of the online-only Fantasy Scroll Magazine is now available. It is cover dated June 2015, continuing with the new bi-monthly publishing schedule. Fantasy Scroll publishes all kinds of fantastic literature, including science fiction, fantasy, horror, and paranormal short-fiction. In his editorial, Iulian Ionescu gives us a sneak peek of the contents, and news on an upcoming project:

This issue starts strong with a longer piece by Pauline Alama, “No Tale for Troubadours.” I love fantasy stories with strong female protagonists and Pauline does a great job of growing not one, but two of them in this story of friendship, war, and peace. “Hell of a Salesman” is the next story by Hank Quense, a humorous parody that takes a stab at the position of sales manager and everything around it. I’m not sure it’s a parody, or a description of what really happens inside a sales department…

Axel Taiari follows with a science fiction piece called “Beyond the Visible Spectrum,” a nice story told from the perspective of an alien invader. “Little Sprout” by Rebecca Roland is probably the shortest story we’ve ever accepted. There’s so much creepiness packed in such a short length that we just had to have it… Back by popular demand, we have the second installment of the story of Shamrock, the graphic novel authored by Josh Brown…

Another piece of buzz, before I let you go, is the news about our year one anthology. It is currently in progress and scheduled to be released sometime in September of 2015. So, it’s just a few months away and I’m very excited about it.

Here’s the complete table of contents.


No Tale for Troubadours by Pauline J Alama
Hell of a Salesman by Hank Quense
Beyond the Visible Spectrum by Axel Taiari
Little Sprout by Rebecca Roland
When the Dead Are Indexed by Gary Emmette Chandler
Dragon Rodeo Queen by Kate Sheeran Swed
The Adjunct by Patricia S. Bowne
Outside In by Anna Yeatts
Conversations with a Ghost by Josh Vogt
Graphic Story: Shamrock Part 2 – Into the Fray, written by Josh Brown, art by Alberto Hernandez


Interview with Author Tina Connolly
Interview with Author Rachel Pollack
Interview with Author Hank Quense
Science Corner: 7 Things to Know About Mutations
Artist Spotlight: Andreas Rocha
Book Review: A Princess of Mars (Edgar Rice Burroughs)
Movie Review: Ex Machina (Alex Garland)

See the complete contents of the issue here.

Fantasy Scroll Magazine is edited by Iulian Ionescu, Frederick Doot, and Alexandra Zamorski, and published bi-monthly in Mobi, epub, and PDF format; issues are also for sale through Amazon, B&N, Smashwords, Kobo, Weightless Books, and Google. Individual issues are $2.99, a 4-issue subscription is only $9.99. Learn more at their website. The cover this issue is “Summit” by Andreas Rocha.

We last covered the magazine with issue 6.

See our mid-June Fantasy Magazine Rack here, and all of our recent magazine coverage here.

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