Today is Deathless Day!

Today is Deathless Day!

catherynne-m-valente-deathless1Great tidings of joy! Today Deathless, a novel by Catherynne M. Valente, is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kindle, Nook and iPad!

The author writes:

In brief terms, it is a retelling of Marya Morevna and Koschei the Deathless set during the Stalinist era and the siege of Leningrad.

Cory Doctorow says:

This is a book that broods but never stoops to cynicism, a book full of dream-logic and eros. Valente is a major talent, and this is some of her best work.

Cat also tells us in her colossal post with the cool links that the audiobook will be available in a few days.

For myself, I can tell you that I read this book in its early draft, and that it’s a gut-punch of gorgeous. It’s funny, it’s sexy, it’s dark as midnight in Midwinter Siberia, and it glitters like blood and rubies.

Here is the beautiful YouTube trailer for Deathless.

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