March 2017 Lightspeed Magazine Now Available

March 2017 Lightspeed Magazine Now Available

Lightspeed March 2017-smallI don’t get to read Lightspeed magazine as often as I like, but the March issue looks like a good place to play catch up. Here’s Charles Payseur at Quick Sip Reviews on “The Worldless” by up-and-coming author Indrapramit Das.

This is a lovely and complex story that unfolds in a port, in a place between places, where gravity isn’t quite high enough and Dunyshar, those without a world, live and work and die and dream of something more. The story focuses on two people, NuTay and their offspring Satlyt, as they scrape a life together. And I love the way that the story evokes place and the feeling of being detached from place. Orphaned in some important way. Without a culture because culture is associated with planets and not with ports, the place that ships are only ever moving through. It’s obvious from the story that some not-great-s#!t is happening and I like that this is revealed slowly, revealed with all the terrible weight of it… An amazing read!

Read Charles’ complete review of the March issue here.

This month’s Lightspeed offers original fantasy by Marta Randall and Greg Kurzawa, and fantasy reprints by Eileen Gunn and Caitlín R. Kiernan. It also has original science fiction by Indrapramit Das and Adam-Troy Castro, plus SF reprints by Rachel Swirsky and Julian Mortimer Smith. The non-fiction includes an editorial from John Joseph Adams, author spotlights, TV reviews by Joseph Allen Hill, Book Reviews by Amal El-Mohtar, and a feature interview with Nnedi Okorafor.

The exclusive content in the ebook version this month includes an exclusive reprint of Holly Phillips’ novella “Proving the Rule,” and an excerpt from Taiyo Fujii’s novel Orbital Cloud.

The cover this month is by Reiko Murakami, illustrating Indrapramit Das’s story, “The Worldless.” Here’s the complete contents for the March issue.

Science Fiction

The Worldless” by Indrapramit Das
Death Every Seventy-Two Minutes” by Adam-Troy Castro
Come-from-Aways” by Julian Mortimer Smith (from Asimov’s Science Fiction, December 2015)
The Debt of the Innocent” by Rachel Swirsky (from Glorifying Terrorism, 2007)


Phantom Pain” by Eileen Gunn (from Questionable Practices, 2014)
The Stone Lover” by Marta Randall
La Peau Verte” by Caitlín R. Kiernan (from To Charles Fort, With Love, 2005)
Soccer Fields and Frozen Lakes” by Greg Kurzawa


Editorial, March 2017, by John Joseph Adams
TV Review: March 2017, by Joseph Allen Hill
Book Reviews: March 2017, by Amal El-Mohtar
Interview: Nnedi Okorafor, by Christian A. Coleman

Orbital Cloud Taiyo Fujii-small Orbital Cloud Taiyo Fujii-back-small

Exclusive Paid Content

NOVELLA: “Proving the Rule” by Holly Phillips (from A Book of Wizards, 2008)
NOVEL EXCERPT: Orbital Cloud by Taiyo Fujii
AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: Holly Phillips by Robyn Lupo

See the complete issue here.

Lightspeed is edited by John Joseph Adams. Most of the content is available free online; individual issues are available in multiple digital formats for $3.99. 6-month subscriptions are just $17.94 ($6 off the cover price), or $35.88 for 12 months ($12 off the cover price). Purchase copies and sample free content at the website.

We last covered Lightspeed with Issue 80, January 2017.

Check out Lightspeed‘s sister magazine Nightmare, also edited by John Joseph Adams.

See our March Fantasy Magazine Rack here, and all of our recent Magazine coverage here.

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