The New Year

The New Year

Black Gate News

The New Year has dawned, bright with promise. Here at Black Gate we have lots of plans we hope to carry to fruition over the course of the year, starting with issue 12 come February. 

All old submissions should be answered at this point. If not, please drop us a line! The caveat is that a few authors who’ve been previously accepted have some things they turned over in the last few months — we’ll be getting to those shortly.

I know there are many of you who are curious about when we’re going to re-open. Well, our first priority was finishing off the submission pile. The next priority is Black Gate 12. We don’t need any distractions from that. So it may be a few months yet before we open to unsolicited subs, and when we do, we will definitely be using reading periods. We’ll keep you posted. 

The Old Year

I’ve been pretty busy and I know I missed out on all kinds of great reading this year. I’d be curious to hear what you all thought were some of the best novel reads of ’07. Most of my favorites were unpublished (or soon to be) manuscripts, but I really enjoyed the historical by Scott Oden, Men of Bronze, and Jack Vance’s The Demon Princes (vol 1), and Arundel. I read the last Harry Potter and I liked it, but I doubt I’ll ever revisit it. Aside from Potter, all of my reading choices were at least a couple of years old, and, in the case of Arundel, multiple decades. About the only modern stuff I read is by friends or Black Gate submitters and writers. I need to branch out more. Hopefully this year I’ll have a wee bit more time.

What were your favorites?


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