Future Treasures: Fire Dance by Ilana C. Myer

Future Treasures: Fire Dance by Ilana C. Myer

Last-Song-Before-Night-small Fire Dance Ilana C Myer-small

Ilana C. Myer’s debut fantasy novel Last Song Before Night made a pretty big impression; David Mack said “It’s one of the most impressive debut novels I’ve ever read; I am in awe,” and Jason Heller at NPR called it “A beautifully orchestrated fantasy debut… an intoxicating mix of the familiar and the fresh.” See our earlier coverage here and here.

Her follow-up is a standalone novel set in the same world as Last Song Before Night. It arrives in hardcover next month from Tor. The Barnes & Noble Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog has a fine appreciation; here’s a snippet.

Nearly two years ago, Tor Books released Last Song Before Night, a lyrical epic fantasy set in a world where magic is created through the melding of music and poetry. A striking conceit to say the least, and Ilana C. Myer’s debut gave us much more than that: memorable characters, beautiful prose, and a complex plot, full of politics and history worthy of comparisons to Guy Gavriel Kay.

Myer returns to that world with Fire Dance, a standalone sequel inspired by Al Andalus and medieval Baghdad.

Get more complete details here.

Fire Dance will be published by Tor Books on April 10, 2018. It is 368 pages, priced at $27.99 in hardcover and $12.99 for the digital edition. Get all the latest at Myer’s website.

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