Interzone #258 Now on Sale

Interzone #258 Now on Sale

Interzone 258-smallThe May–June issue of Britain’s longest running science fiction and fantasy magazine is now on sale.

The cover, by Martin Hanford, is titled “Dorian Gray,” and is a fine (and terrifically creepy) re-interpretation of the 1891 novel by Oscar Wildle… with space suits. I like it. Click the image at right for a bigger version.

Interzone #258 contains five stories:

“a shout is a prayer / for the waiting centuries” by T.R. Napper
“The Re’em Song” by Julie C. Day
“Doors” by Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam
“Angel Fire” by Christien Gholson
“Her First Harvest” by Malcolm Devlin

Non-fiction this issue includes “Freak Zone” by Christopher Fowler. Here’s the first paragraph:

My former agent once told me, “I accept any kind of fiction except science fiction.” When I asked her why, she explained, “I just don’t think I could do it justice,” which was a polite way of saying that she didn’t understand it. But to me, not understanding everything was the point and purpose of reading.

There’s also “Future Interrupted,” by Jonathan McCalmont, and Nina Allan’s “Time Pieces” column, this month titled: “Election Special: the Hugos, the Puppies, and the Big Pile of Poo.”

Plus David Langford’s Ansible Link, the Reader’s Poll results, and the regular columns: book reviews, Nick Lowe’s Mutant Popcorn film reviews, and Tony Lee’s DVD column, Laser Fodder. Issue 258 is nearly 100 pages and packed with fiction, columns, and top-notch art.

Interzone is the sister magazine of Black Static, both are published by TTA Press in the UK. The distinguished Andy Cox is the editor of both.

As usual, the design and interior art adds enormously to the professional look of the magazine. Here’s the table of contents.

Interzone 258 contents

Here’s the opening spread for “a shout is a prayer / for the waiting centuries” by T.R. Napper (illustrated by Warwick Fraser-Coombe).

Interzone 258 A Shout is a Prayer

And “The Re’em Song” by Julie C. Day (illustrated by Jim Burns).

Interzone 258 The Re'em Song

And “Her First Harvest” by Malcolm Devlin (illustrated by Vince Haig).

Interzone 258 Her First Harvest

As usual, the reviews look great. Here’s Tony Lee’s Laser Fodder column.

Interzone 258 Laser Fodder

As we’ve mentioned before, magazines like Interzone are completely dependent on fans and readers to keep them alive. I hope this one survives for a good long time — but it won’t without reader support. If it sounds intriguing, I hope you’ll consider buying an issue next time you find yourself browsing the magazine rack.

See more details and excerpts from issue 258 at the TTA website.

Interzone is edited by Andy Cox, and published by TTA Press. Issue #258 is cover-dated May-June 2015. It is 96 pages, priced at £4.99. The cover is by Martin Hanford. Copies are usually around $9.99 here in the US. A six-issue subscription is £27 (UK) and £33 in the US. Order right from the TTA Press website.

We last covered Interzone with Issue 257.

See our June Fantasy Magazine Rack here, and all of our recent Magazine coverage here.

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