Apex Magazine #71 Now on Sale

Apex Magazine #71 Now on Sale

Apex Magazine 71 April 2015-smallYikes — I’m getting behind on Apex Magazine. I haven’t even looked at the April issue, and May is out already. It’s tough been an obsessive magazine fan; there’s never enough hours in the day.

Well, let’s lift the cover off the April issue and see what we’ve got. Looks like original fiction by Naomi Kritzer, AC Wise, Sean Robinson, and more — plus poetry, an interview with AC Wise, an article on Class and Writing Fantasy Novels by Jennie Goloboy, short fiction reviews, and more. Here’s the complete TOC.


Beatification of the Second Fall” by Sean Robinson
Silver Buttons All Down His Back” by AC Wise
Crow” by Octavia Cade
Wind” by Naomi Kritzer
Slow” by Lia Swope Mitchell
“This Thing of Darkness” by Yzabel Ginsberg (eBook/subscriber exclusive)


The Multiple Lives of Juan and Pedro” by Isabel Yap
there must be a surefire way to separate the ravens from the crows” by Keith S. Wilson


Words from the Editor-in-Chief” by Jason Sizemore
Never Enough Farmers! Class and Writing Fantasy Novels” by Jennie Goloboy
Apex Author Interview with AC Wise” by Andrea Johnson
Apex Cover Artist Interview with Adrian Borda” by Russell Dickerson
Clavis Aurea: A Review of Short Fiction” by Charlotte Ashley

Podcast #22

Beatification of the Second Fall ” by Sean Robinson(27:49 minutes)

Apex Magazine is a monthly science fiction, fantasy, and horror publication featuring original short stories, poetry and non-fiction. It is edited by Jason Sizemore and Sigrid Ellis, and released the first Tuesday of every month. In 2012 and 2014, it was nominated for a Hugo Award for Best Semiprozine.

We previously covered Apex Magazine with issue 70.

Apex Magazine is published by Apex Publications. Issues are available free online, and sold for $2.99 in a variety of digital formats. Subscriptions are just $19.95 for one year (12 issues) in EPUB, Mobi, and PDF formats.

This issue’s cover is by Adrian Borda. The complete issue is here, and you can buy back issues or subscribe at their website.

Our Late April Fantasy Magazine Rack is here. See all of our recent magazine coverage here.

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