Fantasy and Lightspeed

Fantasy and Lightspeed

bgfantasy2John Joseph Adams is the editor of the anthologies By Blood We Live, Federations, The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Living Dead (a World Fantasy Award finalist), The Living Dead 2, The Way of the Wizard, Seeds of Change, and Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse.

Forthcoming work includes the anthologies The Book of Cthulhu, Brave New Worlds, and The Mad Scientist’s Guide to World Domination.

And guess what else? He is now the editor of Fantasy Magazine and Lightspeed Magazine, the critically-acclaimed online short fiction magazines published by Prime Books.

Here are the guidelines for Fantasy.

Fantasy is seeking original fantasy stories of 1000–7500 words. Stories of 5000 words or less are preferred. We pay 5¢/word for original fiction, on acceptance, for first world electronic rights (exclusive for 6 months from publication), and non-exclusive anthology rights. To see which rights we’re seeking, please view our contract template for original fiction. All types of fantasy are welcome — high fantasy, contemporary urban tales, surrealism, magical realism, science fantasy, folktales…and anything and everything in between.

Fantasy is entertainment for the intelligent genre reader — send us stories of the fantastic that make us think, and tell us what it is to be human while amazing us with your mastery of language and story elements.

lightspeed1And here are the guidelines for Lightspeed:

Lightspeed is seeking science fiction stories of 1000-7500 words. Stories of 5000 words or less are preferred. We pay 5¢/word for original fiction, on acceptance, for first world electronic rights (exclusive for 6 months from publication), and non-exclusive anthology rights. You can look at the contract template, which spells out all the rights in detail, here.

All types of science fiction are welcome, from near-future, sociological soft sf, to far-future, star-spanning hard sf, and anything and everything in between. No subject should be considered off-limits, and we encourage writers to take chances with their fiction and to push the envelope.

They have an online submission system which can be accessed here and here.

More detailed guidelines are available at Fantasy and Lightspeed.

The magazines each publish stories weekly, up to 4 per month, featuring 2 original stories per month, along with 2 reprints. They also run a number of non-fiction pieces throughout the month, specifically designed to compliment the fiction. The content is available for free online, and also available for sale as monthly issues in downloadable ebook formats.

Fantasy Magazine has been publishing since 2005. It has featured original fiction from Peter S. Beagle, Caitlin R. Kiernan, Norman Spinrad, K. J. Bishop, Jay Lake, Sarah Monette, Jeffrey Ford, Carol Emshwiller, Tanith Lee, Nancy Kress, Stewart O’Nan, Jeff VanderMeer, and Catherynne M. Valente, among many others.

Lightspeed launched in June 2010. They’ve published stories by Stephen King, Carrie Vaughn, Jack McDevitt, George R. R. Martin, Joe Haldeman, Robert Silverberg, Catherynne M. Valente, and Carol Emshwiller, along with work from newcomers such as David Barr Kirtley, Vylar Kaftan, and Genevieve Valentine.

What are you waiting for? Go to it, my chickens! SUBMIT!

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