Uncanny Magazine Issue 9 Now on Sale

Uncanny Magazine Issue 9 Now on Sale

Uncanny magazine March April 2016-smallUncanny editors Lynn and Michael Thomas spill the beans on the March/April issue of Uncanny in their editorial.

Our cover is by the designer of the universally famous Space Unicorn logo, the fantastic Katy Shuttleworth, and is called “Strange Companions.” Our new fiction this month features a gorgeous and intricate examination of love and obsession by Rachel Swirsky, “Love Is Never Still,” a haunting and passionate story by Shveta Thakrar, “The Shadow Collector,” Max Gladstone’s fantastic and fun yarn “Big Thrull and the Askin’ Man,” Kelly Sandoval’s heart–wrenching and beautiful “The Wolf and the Tower Unwoven,” and finally Simon Guerrier’s cheeky and bittersweet “The Artificial Bees.” As we write this, David Bowie passed away only a few weeks ago. In memory of Bowie and how his work affected many of us, our reprint this month is Daryl Gregory’s surreal Bowie examination “Just Another Future Song,” originally published in Glitter & Mayhem, the SF/F nightlife/roller derby anthology we co–edited with John Klima.

Our essays this month feature Jim C. Hines poking holes in a tired defense of racism by historical figures, Kyell Gold introducing us to the fabulous world of furry fandom, an examination of the “Phildickian” existence of author George R. R. Martin by Javier Grillo–Marxuach, and finally a fascinating discussion about the increasingly blurred lines between “fan” and “pro” by Mark Oshiro.

All of the content became available for purchase as an eBook (PDF, EPUB, MOBI) on March 1, 2016.

Here’s the complete fiction contents:

Love Is Never Still” by Rachel Swirsky
Just Another Future Song” by Daryl Gregory
The Shadow Collector” by Shveta Thakrar
The Wolf and the Tower Unwoven” by Kelly Sandoval
The Artificial Bees” by Simon Guerrier
Big Thrull and the Askin’ Man” by Max Gladstone


Foxgirl Cycle Song: 1 by C. S. E. Cooney
god–date by Brandon O’Brien
The Book of Forgetting by Jennifer Crow


The Uncanny Valley by Lynne M. Thomas and Michael Damian Thomas
Thank You, Patreon Supporters by Lynne M. Thomas and Michael Damian Thomas
Men of Their Times by Jim C. Hines
Furry Fandom by Kyell Gold
The Transmigration of George R. R. Martin by Javier Grillo–Marxuach
Closing the Gap: The Blurring of Fan and Professional by Mark Oshiro
Interview: Rachel Swirsky by Deborah Stanish
Interview: Simon Guerrier by Deborah Stanish

All that, and two podcasts:

Episode 9A: Editors’ Introduction: Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas; Short Story: “The Shadow Collector” by Shveta Thakrar, as read by Amal El-Mohtar; Poem: “Foxgirl Cycle Song: 1” by C. S. E. Cooney, as read by Erika Ensign; Interview: Deborah Stanish Interviews Shveta Thakrar
Episode 9B: Editors’ Introduction: Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas; Short Story: “Big Thrull and the Askin’ Man” by Max Gladstone, as read by Heath Miller; Poem: “The Book of Forgetting” by Jennifer Crow, as read by Erika Ensign; Interview: Deborah Stanish Interviews Max Gladstone

The cover this month, “Strange Companions,” is by Katy Shuttleworth.

Curious about how Uncanny does such great podcasts? Lynne and Michael pull back the curtain in their recent article for us, Behind the Microphones: How the Uncanny Magazine Podcast Gets Made.

Issue #9 is cover-dated March/April 2016. Read the complete issue here.

We last covered Uncanny Magazine with Issue #8.

Uncanny Magazine is edited by Lynne M. Thomas, Michael Damian Thomas, and Michi Trota, and published bi-monthly. The issue is priced at $3.99, and is available as an eBook (PDF, EPUB, MOBI). eBook Subscriptions are available at Weightless Books.

Our Mid-April Fantasy Magazine Rack is here. See all of our recent fantasy magazine coverage here.

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Amy Bisson

The mention of Bowie makes the timing of this article sadly ironic. As a certain facebook meme says, 2016 seems to be written by George RR Martin.

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