Apex Magazine #80 Now on Sale

Apex Magazine #80 Now on Sale

Apex Magazine Issue 80-smallIn his editorial this month, Jason Sizemore gives us the details on the unusually-packed January issue.

You’ll note that the amount of content in this month’s Apex Magazine is… well, astounding: six original works (including a novelette by Ursula Vernon), seven poems, two reprints, and a nonfiction article. Much of this additional content was provided as reward goals for our successful subscription drive held in mid to late November. Thank you for helping us reach our goal!

The crown jewel of issue 80 is the novelette “The Tomato Thief” by Ursula Vernon. For fans of her Nebula Award-winning story “Jackalope Wives” take note — “The Tomato Thief” is set in the same universe and is an indirect sequel. Also in this issue, we have a second original story by Ursula titled “Razorback” that will remind our readers of her excellent “Pocosin” from issue 68.

Lettie Prell, one of my favorite writers, makes a triumphant return to our pages with the disconcerting “The Open-Hearted.” Also returning is Nigerian author Chikodili Emelumadu with “Soursop.” We welcome newcomers Jennifer Hykes (“Bones of the World”) and Carrie Cuinn (“That Lucky Old Sun”) to the pages of Apex.

Here’s the complete TOC.


The Tomato Thief” by Ursula Vernon
That Lucky Old Sun” by Carrie Cuinn
The Open-Hearted” by Lettie Prell
Soursop” by Chikodili Emelumadu
Bones of the World” by Jennifer Hykes
Razorback” by Ursula Vernon
Kutraya’s Skies” by Dave Creek (from The Human Equations, 2014)


RX-200 Series: It’s Everything You Need by Samson Stormcrow Hayes
The Upside of the Cataclysmic Meteorite Event by Zebulon Huset
The Doctor’s Assistant by Anton Rose
In the Far Future, Billy Experiences the Most Powerful Drug Known to Man by Greg Leunig
Automaton by Bianca Spriggs
Maxwell’s Demon by Annie Neugebauer
Various Kinds of Wolves by J.J. Hunter


Words from the Editor-in-Chief by Jason Sizemore
Interview with Matt Davis, Cover Artist by Russell Dickerson
Interview with Lettie Prell by Andrea Johnson
An Exploration of Racism in Heart of Darkness by Lucy A. Snyder (Nonfiction)
Interview with Chikodili Emelumadu by Andrea Johnson
Interview with Ursula Vernon by Andrea Johnson

Novel Excerpt

Paper Tigers by Damien Angelica Walters

Podcast #31

The Open-Hearted” by Lettie Prell” (34:16 in length)

Apex Magazine is a monthly science fiction, fantasy, and horror publication featuring original short stories, poetry and non-fiction. It is edited by Jason Sizemore and Sigrid Ellis, and released the first Tuesday of every month. In 2012, 2013 and 2014, it was nominated for a Hugo Award for Best Semiprozine.

We last covered Apex Magazine with issue 79.

Apex Magazine is published by Apex Publications. Issues are available free online, and sold for $2.99 in a variety of digital formats. Subscriptions are just $19.95 for one year (12 issues) in EPUB, Mobi, and PDF formats.

This issue’s cover is by Matt Davis. The complete issue is here, and you can buy back issues or subscribe at their website.

Our late January Fantasy Magazine Rack is here. See all of our recent fantasy magazine coverage here.

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