Crossed Genres Magazine Will Close After December Issue

Crossed Genres Magazine Will Close After December Issue

Crossed Genres Magazine 2.0-smallCrossed Genres Magazine, the online magazine of science fiction and fantasy with a twist, has announced that its December issue will be its last.

We regret to announce that Crossed Genres Magazine will be closing after issue 36 in December… the magazine has run out of funds to continue. In April 2014 we ran a successful Kickstarter to keep CG Magazine going, but once another year had passed, roughly 90 percent of those who’d pledged to the Kickstarter chose not to renew their memberships. New memberships have been no more than a trickle since…

We considered a lot of other options to try and keep CG Magazine open, but ultimately none of them were viable without further sacrificing our lives and well-being. We’ve now been running CG, and the magazine, for 7 years (with a year’s break for the zine in the middle), and we have no choice but to scale back.

We’re incredibly proud of what CG Magazine managed to accomplish. Providing a SFWA-qualifying venue for talented voices typically under-represented in SFF was always our goal, and we believe we accomplished that…

Crossed Genres Magazine is edited by Bart R. Leib, Kay T. Holt, and Kelly Jennings; past editors include Jaym Gates and Natania Barron. The magazine is published monthly and is free to read online; its first issue appeared September, 2008. The genre (or theme) of the magazine changed each issue; genres included Time Travel, Tragedy, Superhero, Robots and Mystery. The magazine renamed itself Crossed Genres 2.0 and started over at issue #1, Boundaries, in January 2013. Crossed Genres Publications also publishes novels and anthologies, including Salsa Nocturna and the acclaimed Long Hidden: Speculative Fiction from the Margins of History. We last covered Crossed Genres with issue #25.

Read the complete announcement here.

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