Gygax Magazine #6 Now Available

Gygax Magazine #6 Now Available

Gygax Magazine 6-smallI saw a report that the latest issue of Gygax magazine had hit the stands, and checked out the TSR website this morning. Sure enough, it’s now available, and there’s even a very sharp video showcasing the contents and the great layout.

This issue has content for Dungeons & Dragons and Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, plus a superhero roleplaying from Steve Kenson, Pulp Era. Here’s the issue contents:

Last-Minute Locations: Fantasy Villages, by Jason Sinclair
Leomund’s Secure Shelter: Telepathy in First Edition AD&D, by Lenard Lakofka
The Great Outdoors: Outdoor Survival and the Early Years of D&D, by Jon Peterson
The Correllian Starduster: A New Starship for Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, by Dave Mansker
Through the Arcane Lens: Six Magic Spyglasses for D&D, by Paul Hughes
Rituals: More Than Just Magic, by Eytan Bernstein
Policing the Stars, by Steve Kenson
Pulp Era by James Carpio (complete RPG)
Dracovalis by Jeremy Olson (complete game)

Every issue of Gygax includes a fold-out adventure or game, and this time it’s a complete board game of dragons attacking, capturing, and destroying cities: Dracovalis, by Jeremy Olson and illustrated by Aaron Williams.

In addition to the articles and games, there are of course the regular comics, Full Frontal Nerdity by Aaron Williams and Order of the Stick by Rich Burlew.

The cover this issue is by Jim Holloway, who’s well known for his original TSR illustrations, including several Dragon and first edition module covers (The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror and Dungeonland), and especially as the original artist for the Paranoia role-playing game.

We last covered Gygax magazine with issue #5, released this spring. It’s officially a quarterly, but realistically TSR produces roughly two issues/year.

Gygax #6 was edited by Jayson Elliot and published by TSR. It is 68 pages, priced at $8.95 for the print edition, or $4.99 for a watermarked PDF. A one year subscription (4 issues) is $35. Order copies directly from the website or through Drive-Thru RPG.

Our mid-October Fantasy Magazine Rack is here. See all of our recent fantasy magazine coverage here.

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James McGlothlin

The front cover reminds me of Dragon Magazine #88 (August, 1984).

James McGlothlin

Did I, or did I not, leave a comment?

James McGlothlin

Ah! Makes sense.

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