May 2015 Nightmare Magazine Now on Sale

May 2015 Nightmare Magazine Now on Sale

Nightmare Magazine May 2015-smallThe May issue of the online magazine Nightmare is now available.

Fiction this month includes original short stories from Kealan Patrick Burke and Sandra McDonald, and reprints from Kaaron Warren and Stephen Graham Jones:

Original Stories

The Red Light is Blinking” by Kealan Patrick Burke
Rules for Ordinary Heroes” by Sandra McDonald


Mountain” by Kaaron Warren (from Through Splintered Walls, 2012)
Raphael” by Stephen Graham Jones (from Cemetery Dance #55, 2006)

The non-fiction this issue includes the latest installment in their long-running horror column, “The H Word,” plus author spotlights, a showcase on cover artist Vitaly Alexius, and a feature interview with Bram Stoker Lifetime Achievement winner William F. Nolan.

Editorial, May 2015 by John Jospeh Adams
The H Word: The Dirty South by Lynda E. Rucker
Artist Showcase: Vitaly Alexius
Interview: William F. Nolan

See the complete contents of the issue here.

Nightmare is edited by John Joseph Adams. This is the 32nd issue. Subscriptions are available for just $1.99 per issue, single issues are available in multiple digital formats for $2.99. Purchase copies and sample free content at the website. The cover this month is by Vitaly Alexius.

We last covered Nightmare with the April 2015 issue.

See our mid-May Fantasy Magazine Rack here, and all of our recent Magazine coverage here.

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