Short Fiction (World) Beat
From Jason Sizemore of Apex Magazine:
This month we present a special “international” issue of our online
magazine. Lavie Tidhar, editor of The Apex Book of World SF, guest
edits this issue and brings us three excellent selections from around
the globe. To round things out, Charles Tan interviews Malaysian
author Tunku Halim and Lavie writes an editorial about the
international genre scene.Editorial: “A Celebration of World SF” by Lavie Tidhar
Interview: Tunku Halim by Charles Tan
Short Fiction: “After the Fire” by Aliette de Bodard
Short Fiction: “Benjamin Schneider’s Little Greys” by Nir Yaniv
Short Fiction: “An Evening in the City Coffeehouse, With Lydia on My
Mind” by Alexsandar Žiljak
- Here’s the link.