Special Subscription Offer – Dark City Games for only $2.95!

Special Subscription Offer – Dark City Games for only $2.95!

The Sewers of Redpoint
For a very limited time, we’re offering a selection of Dark City Games for just $2.95 to new subscribers of Black Gate magazine. That’s $10 off the regular price!

Dark City Games are complete fantasy role playing adventures, perfectly suited for solitaire play or an evening’s entertainment for up to four players. They’re easy to learn and fast to play, even if you’ve never tried a role playing game. Available titles include The Crown of Kings, Gates to the Underworld, The Island of Lost Spells, and many more.

If you’ve played Orcs of the High Mountains, the free game included with Black Gate 12, or seen the rave reviews of Dark City Games in our recent issues, you know that they are some of the most exciting things to emerge on the fantasy gaming scene in years. Now’s your chance to try one of the best new games in the industry — and to subscribe to Black Gate, your source for the finest in short fantasy — at an unbeatable price.

Receive one Dark City Game of your choice for just $2.95 (plus shipping) with a 4-issue subscription to Black Gate, or any two for $5.90 with an 8-issue sub. Want to learn more? Read the feature reviews of The Island of Lost Spells by Todd McAulty (from BG 10) and Wolves on the Rhine by Andrew Zimmerman Jones (from BG 11) .

But please hurry! Quantities of most titles are extremely limited. Click “more” below to see a full list of available games — or subscribe now!

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