Nebula Nomination

Nebula Nomination

In case you haven’t heard yet, Black Gate author Judith Berman’s been nominated for a Nebula award for her story from issue 10, “Awakening.” Here’s a hearty congratulations to her!

I don’t know whether those who nominated her were excited by one of the very best openings I’ve seen in a short story for a long time, or the compelling narrative that follows (or maybe it’s their well-known preference for tales featuring necromancers) but you can certainly check it out yourself by visiting the Black Gate web site, where we’ve made the story accessible to all comers. There you will also find links to Judith’s web page as well as the SFWA announcement about all nominees.

In addition to the congratulations to Judith, I’d like to thank our web site editor, the talented Leo Grin, for his tireless, dependable, and extremely polished work on the Black Gate web site.


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