Black Gate 10 in the Mail

Black Gate 10 in the Mail

Breaking (Stuffing) the Envelopes

I spoke with John O’Neill today from our rooftop headquarters overlooking downtown Chicago. The undead minions finished stuffing the envelopes with copies of Black Gate and shambled over to the post office Saturday. Subscribers should receive their copies of the issue soon. As mentioned previously, preview snippets can be found here:

Having dispelled the eldritch creatures, John is now reading through physical submissions as well as a number of fine stories I’ve forwarded to him from the e-submissions. I, meanwhile, still have about 100 responses to write before I can dive into the next batch of e-subs. Following that I need to wrap-up choices for the book reviews for issue 11 and write up a few game reviews for that volume as well, because it’s going out in short order.


Last year was a busy one for me and I fell behind on all of my fiction writing goals (moving and writing a master’s thesis will suck up your time, believe me). I’ve been doing much better this year. The problem is that markets keep closing, and responses are slow. I thought many of you would appreciate that I too am on the receiving end of long response times. I was pleased to learn a story I’d submitted last year was accepted at BAEN’s Universe, but disappointed to learn that they’d closed to submissions for a few months. As a result, I sent the follow-up I penned for them over to Weird Tales. I bopped back by the WT site today to verify that I’d followed the submission procedure correctly, only to discover that the Weird Tales site seems to have gone missing. Alas. I assume that it is only temporary.


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