Weird Horror #3 Now Available

Weird Horror #3 Now Available

Weird Horror #3 magazine (Undertow Publications, October 12, 2021). Cover by Fernando JFL

Merry Christmas weird horror lovers!

I don’t know about you weirdos, but when it’s cold and snowy and the house is quiet I love to curl up by the fireplace with a cat in my lap and a creepy tome in my hand. The always reliable Undertow Publications have launched a brand new twice-yearly magazine, Weird Horror, edited by a man who’s demonstrated an excellent nose for the weird over the past decade, the distinguished Michael Kelly. The magazine is quickly becoming one of my favorite sources for wintry scares.

The first two issues appeared last October and in May, with stories by John Langan, Steve Toase, Suzan Palumbo, Stephen Volk, Catherine MacLeod, Mary Berman, and many more — plus reviews and non-fiction by Lysette Stevenson, Simon Strantzas, Orrin Grey, and others. The third issue was published right on time for Halloween this year, and it was near the top of my Christmas wish list.

[Click the images for even weirder versions.]

Weird Horror magazine, issues 1 & 2 (Undertow, October 2020 and May 2021). Covers by Sam Heimer and Nick Gucker

Weird Horror #3 has new fiction by Gordon B. White, Rex Burrows, Saswati Chatterjee, Theresa DeLucci, Josh Rountree, and more, plus non-fiction by Simon Strantzas, Orrin Grey, Lysette Stevenson, and Tom Goldstein.

Here’s the complete Table of Contents.

A Thing of Extremes, by Simon Strantzas
Your Eyes Will Leave Body: Coming Late to Ultra Q, by Orrin Grey
“From October Vines” by Gordon B. White
“The Forest Has No Immediate Plans to Kill You” by Rex Burrows
“Feast” by S. E. Clark
“Susan and the Popular Girl in School” by Jack Lothian
“In the War, the Wall” by Saswati Chatterjee
“Thalia was Alone” by Donyae Coles
“Only My Skin That Crawled Away” by Theresa DeLucci
“Code White” by J. R. McConvey
“A Red Promise in the Palm of Your Hand” by Josh Rountree
The Macabre Reader, by Lysette Stevenson
Aberrant Visions, by Tom Goldstein

Weird Horror #3 is edited by the Undertow head honcho Michael Kelly, and was published on October 12, 2021. It is 84 pages, priced at $14.95 in paperback and $7.99 in digital formats. The magazine is published twice per year; you can order all three issues directly from the Undertow website; subscriptions are still available, but only until January 1st.

We previously covered Weird Horror with the first issue. See all our recent magazine coverage here.

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