New Treasures: Ten Low by Stark Holborn

New Treasures: Ten Low by Stark Holborn

Ten Low by Stark Holborn (Titan Books, June 2021). Cover design by Julia Llyod

I spend a lot of time browsing new releases online. But you know what? Nothing beats a trip to the bookstore. As I wandered through the well-stocked science fiction section of Barnes & Noble last Saturday I found no less than four new releases that insisted on coming home with me.

Perhaps the most interesting was Stark Holborn’s latest Ten Low, which The Book Beard calls “stunning… gritty, intriguing sci-fi/ Western brilliance.” Here’s a snippet from Publisher’s Weekly‘s warm review.

Holborn (Triggernometry) delivers a crisply written space western brimming with hard living, villainy, and the search for redemption. In the aftermath of interstellar war, veteran medic and ex-con Ten Low works as a rough-and-ready doctor on Factus, a remote planet of desert and scrub. Haunted by a dark secret from her past, the last thing Low wants is to draw the attention of the authorities. After witnessing a spaceship crash, she rescues teenaged general Gabriella Ortiz from the wreckage… They strike a deal and set off to find a ship, evading bandits, military assassins, and other dangers along the way. Holborn handles Low’s narration with skill, creating an immersive world. With plenty of action and vivid worldbuilding, this tense adventure will have readers hooked.

Ten Low was published by Titan Books on June 8. It is 333 pages, priced at $15.95 in trade paperback, $9.99 in digital formats, and $27.97 for the audio version. The cover was designed by Julia Lloyd.

What else did I bring home from the bookstore, you ask (aside from the obligatory B&N café coupon for a free lemonade?) Here’s a look.

See all our recent New Treasures here.


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