September 2016 Clarkesworld Now Available

September 2016 Clarkesworld Now Available

clarkesworld-september-2016-smallThe September Clarkesworld, issue #120, is packed with new fiction by Jack Skillingstead, Rich Larson, Bogi Takács, and others, plus reprints by Tom Crosshill and Nick Wolven.

Here’s the complete list of stories.

The Despoilers” by Jack Skillingstead
Aphrodite’s Blood, Decanted” by Jennifer Campbell-Hicks
The Green Man Cometh” by Rich Larson
The Opposite and the Adjacent” by Liu Yang
Toward the Luminous Towers” by Bogi Takács
The House of Half Mirrors” by Thoraiya Dyer
The Dark City Luminous” by Tom Crosshill (from The Baltic Atlas, 2016)
No Placeholder for You My Love” by Nick Wolven (from Asimov’s Science Fiction, August 2015.)

The non-fiction is:

Space Is the Place: The Science Fiction Pulse of ’80s Electro Music, by Jason Heller
Cat Pictures and Food Blogs: A Conversation with Naomi Kritzer, by Chris Urie
Another Word: On Being a Late Bloomer, by Kelly Robson
Editor’s Desk: Nice to Hear from You, by Neil Clarke

There are three podcasts (so far):

The Despoilers” by Jack Skillingstead, read by Kate Baker
Aphrodite’s Blood, Decanted” by Jennifer Campbell-Hicks, read by Kate Baker
The Green Man Cometh” by Rich Larson, read by Kate Baker

The cover this issue, “Seed to Sky,” is by Julie Dillon.

We last covered Clarkesworld with Issue 119.

Clarkesworld is edited by Neil Clarke and Sean Wallace, and published by Wyrm Publishing. The contents are available for free online; individual issues can be purchased for $3.99, and monthly subscriptions are $2.99/month. A 6-month sub is $17.94, and the annual price is $35.88. Learn more and order individual issues at the magazine’s website.

See the complete issue here.

Our mid-August Magazine Rack is here. See all of our recent fantasy magazine coverage here.

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