Barnes & Noble’s Fantasy Picks for March

Barnes & Noble’s Fantasy Picks for March

Gemini Cell Javelin Rain Myke Cole

Barnes & Noble announced their Bookseller’s Picks for March earlier this month, including their top SF and Fantasy releases. It’s an impressive list — including BG author Myke Cole’s upcoming novel Javelin Rain.

While this is technically the fifth book in Cole’s Shadow Ops series, it’s really a sequel to the prequel novel Gemini Cell. Set in a future in which magic’s reappearance in the world is just beginning to erode the old order, Jim Schweitzer is a U.S. Navy SEAL serving with the Gemini Cell — until he’s killed in action. And then brought back from the dead via occult means. His escape is coded “javelin rain,” indicating the worst possible security threat — one that must be stopped as quickly as possible, by any means necessary. As Schweitzer discovers his resurrection has made him immortal, his family certainly isn’t, and he has to use all of his skills — old and new — to protect all that is important to him. Combining military heroics, espionage intrigue, and magic-infused action, Cole adds new layers to one of the most unique SF/F universes on shelves today.

We covered B&N’s picks for the Best SF and Fantasy of 2015 here.

Javelin Rain, by Myke Cole, will be published by Ace Books on March 29. It’s priced at $7.99 in paperback and digital formats. Myke’s last posts for Black Gate were Drizzt Do’Urden Simply Won’t Stop Adventuring: Learning to Love Serial Fantasy and Selling Shadow Ops. Our roving reporter Patty Templeton interviewed him here.

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