Future Treasures: The Pagan Night by Tim Akers

Future Treasures: The Pagan Night by Tim Akers

The Pagan Night-small

Tim Akers has written some acclaimed fantasy — including The Horns of Ruin and The Burn Cycle (Heart of Veridon, Dead of Veridon, and the collection Bones of Veridon) — but epic fantasy is something new. He’s jumped in in a major way, with the impending release of The Pagan Night, the 605-page opening volume of The Hallowed War, which Booklist sums up as “high adventure, great characters, suspense, and dramatic plot shifts… an engaging, fast-paced entry in a popular subgenre.” You can read the brief book summary by clicking on the image above… by why do that when you can get the full, five-paragraph version at Tim’s website?

The second volume in the series, The Iron Hound, is scheduled to be released in January of next year, and The Winter Vow in January 2018. In the meantime, you can find the opening volume at your favorite bookstores on January 19, courtesy of Titan Books. It is 605 pages, priced at $14.95 in trade paperback and $9.99 for the digital version. The cover is by Alejandro Colucci, and the interior maps (yay, maps!) are by David Pope.

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