Future Treasures: Gestapo Mars by Victor Gischler

Future Treasures: Gestapo Mars by Victor Gischler

Gestapo Mars-smallVictor Gischler is the author of Deadpool: Merc With A Mouth, one of the better Deadpool graphic novels out there. He’s also written the novels Gun Monkeys, Ink Mage, and Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse, among many others.

His latest novel, Gestapo Mars, combines science fiction, Nazis, assassins, and disgusting gelatinous aliens in a fast-paced, rollicking adventure, on sale next week from Titan Books.

Carter Sloan is a trained assassin — the best there is, pulled out of cryogenic sleep whenever an assignment demands his skills. So when he’s kept in the deep freeze for 258 years, he’s seriously pissed off.

Yet his government needs him, to hunt down the enemy known as the Daughter of the Brass Dragon. The future of the galaxy-spanning Reich depends on it, so Sloan is off — screwing, swearing, and shooting his way across interstellar space.

It’s action, adventure, and disgusting gelatinous aliens as only Victor Gischler can create them.

Gestapo Mars will be published by Titan Books on September 22, 2015. It is 277 pages, priced at $14.95 in trade paperback and $7.99 for the digital version.

See all of our coverage of the best in upcoming fantasy here.

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[…] Monday, we told you about the upcoming release of a brand new novel of far future adventure and Nazi mayhem, Victor Gischler’s Gestapo […]

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