New Treasures: Premonitions by Jamie Schultz

New Treasures: Premonitions by Jamie Schultz

Premonitions Jamie Schultz-smallThe trick with the plethora of urban fantasy on the shelves these days is sorting through it all to find the really promising stuff. Buried between all that werewolf romance and those countless vampire sex novels are some undiscovered gems. It takes a little patience to find them, but they’re often worth the effort.

Last weekend, I stumbled on a promising supernatural noir offering from first-time novelist Jamie Schultz. It was easy to miss, crammed into the crowded shelves next to John Scalzi, James H. Schmitz, and Charles Stross, but I found a single copy of Premonitions, and was sold immediately by the cover art and the back cover copy. See what you think.


It’s the kind of score Karyn Ames has always dreamed of — enough to set her crew up pretty well and, more important, enough to keep her safely stocked on a very rare, very expensive black market drug. Without it, Karyn hallucinates slices of the future until they totally overwhelm her, leaving her unable to distinguish the present from the mess of certainties and possibilities yet to come.

The client behind the heist is Enoch Sobell, a notorious crime lord with a reputation for being ruthless and exacting — and a purported practitioner of dark magic. Sobell is almost certainly condemned to Hell for a magically extended lifetime full of shady dealings. Once you’re in business with him, there’s no backing out.

Karyn and her associates are used to the supernatural and the occult, but their target is more than just the usual family heirloom or cursed necklace. It’s a piece of something larger. Something sinister.

Karyn’s crew and even Sobell himself are about to find out just how powerful it is… and how powerful it may yet become.

Premonitions was published on July 1, 2014 by Roc. It is 384 pages, priced at $7.99 in paperback and $6.99 for the digital version.

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