The Top 50 Black Gate Posts in April

The Top 50 Black Gate Posts in April

lolani 3We published 107 blog posts in April. And they were all fantastic.

But, as they say, some were more fantastic than others. And you sure liked some more than the rest. For example, if it concerned Star Trek, you were all over it: Howard Andrew Jones’s enthusiastic review of the latest episode of Star Trek Continues was our top article for the month, and by a tidy margin.

Bob Byrne’s new column The Public Life of Sherlock Holmes continues to win over new readers; his post on Dirk Gently, Holistic Detective, was the second most read article last month.

Rounding out the Top Three was Sean McLachlan’s engrossing photo-essay on The Waterloo Panorama. (You skimmed the article and just looked at the gorgeous pics, didn’t you? It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone.)

The complete Top 50 Black Gate posts in April were:

  1. Star Trek Continues with “Lolani” and Soars to Warp Eight
  2. The Public Life of Sherlock Holmes: Dirk Gently, Holistic Detective
  3. The Waterloo Panorama: An Epic Example of Military Art
  4. Descend Into the Depths of the Earth in Forgotten Realms: Underdark
  5. Kirkus Looks at The Meteoric Rise and Fall of Gnome Press
  6. Book Review: Gold and Glass by E. Catherine Tobler
  7. Chuck Wendig’s Blackbirds is Punch-You-in-the-Face Good
  8. Forgotten Treasures of the Pulps: Tony Rome, Private Eye
  9. My Favorite Fantasy Settings
  10. Future Treasures: Mirror Sight by Kristen Britain


  11. Art of the Genre: I.C.E.’s Middle-Earth Roleplaying Part Four: The Maps
  12. George R.R. Martin is Spoiling HBO’s Game of Thrones
  13. A Classic Moral Panic: The BBC on The Great 1980s Dungeons & Dragons Panic
  14. In A Land Before Atlantis and Mu: The House of Cthulhu by Brian Lumley
  15. Black Hat
  16. From the Celluloid Cellar: Star Wars
  17. Firefly, A Retrospective Part 8 — A Look at Serenity
  18. Hope Among the Ruins
  19. Catching Up on the Gaming World with Fate Diaspora
  20. Ivar the Boneless; The Dark Age Rommel!


  21. Alignment Chaotic AWESOME: 1st Edition Deities and Demigods (Part 1)
  22. The Thankless World of the Continuation Author
  23. 2014 Hugo Award Nominees Announced
  24. Vintage Treasures: Charles de Lint’s Wolf Moon, and a Tale of Roving Booksellers
  25. Tales From Windy City Pulp and Paper
  26. BattleLore: You Got Your Goblins in My Hundred Years War!
  27. The Dungeon Dozen
  28. The Ballantine Adult Fantasy Series: Lilith by George MacDonald
  29. Teaching and Fantasy Literature: Worlds Without End
  30. Tribulations Herculean and Tragic: Beyond Wizardwall by Janet Morris


  31. New Treasures: The Black Veil & Other Tales of Supernatural Sleuths edited by Mark Valentine
  32. Vintage Treasures: Starwolf by Edmond Hamilton
  33. Convention Report: Ad Astra Science Fiction Convention in Toronto
  34. A Writer’s Inspiration
  35. An Age of Random Portents and Incoherent Miracles – Echoes of the Goddess by Darrell Schweitzer
  36. OMG! Immortal Immodesty (Deities and Demigods, Part 3)
  37. Vintage Treasures: Sentinels of Space by Eric Frank Russell / The Ultimate Invader edited by Donald Wollheim
  38. Goth Chick News: An Anniversary Edition of the Ultimate Novelization
  39. Roleplaying Game Review: Fate and Fate Diaspora
  40. Ancient Worlds: Heracles and Hylas


  41. Living it Large: How Larger Than Life Characters Work
  42. Leiji Matsumoto, Bushido, Manhood, and Womanhood, Part 4
  43. The Fantasy of Lucius Shepard: The Dragon Griaule
  44. The Public Life of Sherlock Holmes: All The World’s A Stage
  45. Art of the Genre: An Interview with David Martin
  46. Raised On Potter: Give the People What They Want?
  47. The Series Series: The Barrow by Mark Smylie
  48. Goth Chick News: Comic Book Fan Boys on the Big Screen (Fan Girls Rejoice)
  49. Future Treasures: The Leopard by K.V. Johansen
  50. The Publishing Process: Building a Novel from Concept to Bookshelf

The Top 5o Black Gate blog posts in March are here, and you can see all 107 posts we made in the month of April here.

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