New Treasures: The Last Wild by Piers Torday

New Treasures: The Last Wild by Piers Torday

The Last Wild Piers TordayI don’t know much about this Piers Torday fellow. Not that there’s all that much to know — The Last Wild is his first novel, he lives in London, and is hard at work on additional adventures featuring Kester and Polly. Admit it — that’s all you need to know, too.

The Times has compared The Last Wild to Roald Dahl’s classic James and the Giant Peach – a pretty rousing endorsement. It looks like a quick, exciting, Middle-Grade read, and I think I’ll settle down with it later in the week. That is if my kids don’t steal it first.

In a world where animals no longer exist, twelve-year-old Kester Jaynes sometimes feels like he hardly exists either. Locked away in a home for troubled children, he’s told there’s something wrong with him. So when he meets a flock of talking pigeons and a bossy cockroach, Kester thinks he’s finally gone crazy. But the animals have something to say. And they need him. The pigeons fly Kester to a wild place where the last creatures in the land have survived. A wise stag needs Kester’s help, and together they must embark on a great journey, joined along the way by an overenthusiastic wolf cub, a military-trained cockroach, a mouse with a ritual for everything, and a stubborn girl named Polly. The animals saved Kester Jaynes. But can Kester save the animals?

The Last Wild was published on March 18, 2014 by Viking. It is 322 pages, priced at $16.99 in hardcover and $10.99 for the digital edition.

See all of our recent New Treasures here.

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