Check Out the Humble ebook Bundle: Pay What You Want for 6 Great Books

Check Out the Humble ebook Bundle: Pay What You Want for 6 Great Books

boneshaker3I had a look at the Humble ebook Bundle today, and was very impressed.

I’ve heard rumblings about this Humble thing for a while, but to be honest I never looked into it. They sold video game and music bundles, or something, on a “pay-what-you-want” basis, raising over $13.5 million for charity. That’s cool. You go, humble peeps.

But now they’re offering four great SF and fantasy titles, at a price you set yourself, for the next nine days. Suddenly I’m at lot more interested. The titles are:

Little Brother, Cory Doctorow
Boneshaker, Cherie Priest
Spin, Robert Charles Wilson
Shards of Honor, Lois McMaster Bujold

Yes, you get to decide what price you’re willing to pay for this awesome book bundle. Even if it’s only 1 cent, you cheap bastard. The titles are DRM-free, and available in multiple formats for most e-readers, including Kindle and iPad. You even get to choose where your money goes, allocating a portion (or all) of your payment the Electric Frontier Foundation, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, or Child’s Play Charity.

This is the second book promotion these Humble geniuses have strung together. As of press time, over 35,000 bundles have been sold, which is pretty darned amazing. The site tracks the average donation amount ($9.55 last time I checked), which lets you know just how cheap you really are — and also makes it possible to offer a special premium of two additional titles for those willing to pay more that. Those titles are:

The Last Unicorn: Deluxe Edition by Peter Beagle
Just a Geek by Wil Wheaton

Yeah, that’s six great titles for less than ten bucks. That’s a steal. Check it out here.

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