The Tangent Online 2012 Recommended Reading List

The Tangent Online 2012 Recommended Reading List

Tangent-OnlineThe Tangent Online 2012 Recommended Reading List is compiled by 17 short fiction reviewers, and consists of the finest fiction from dozens of sources inside and outside the genre.

This year, three stories from our Black Gate Online Fiction line made the list, including two with their coveted three-star rating, their highest ranking:

The Trade” by Mark Rigney (Three Stars)
The Daughter’s Dowry” by Aaron Bradford Starr (One Star)
Godmother Lizard” by C. S. E. Cooney (Three Stars)

You can see the complete catalog of Black Gate Online Fiction, including stories by E.E. Knight, John R. Fultz, Donald S. Crankshaw, Sean McLachlan, Judith Berman, Howard Andrew Jones, Harry Connolly, and Jason E. Thummel, here.

Last year’s Tangent Online Recommended Reading List included no less than four stories from Black Gate 15; read the complete details here.

The complete 2012 Tangent Online Recommended Reading List  list can be found here.

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