Harold Lamb and the Crusaders

Harold Lamb and the Crusaders

Whew. I thought I’d take an hour this morning and wrap up the new Harold Lamb Crusaders book, Swords From the West, but the hours kept ticking by as I checked that and added to this, and rewrote that backmatter section… and before I knew it the work day was done, dang it. So, no progress on my own writing or anything OTHER than the Lamb book. On the other hand, I’m now pretty sure that the text I’m turning over to Bison is in excellent shape. So — good news, I’ve e-mailed the text off to the University of Nebraska Press’s Bison Books imprint. Better news is that I turned it in early. After I got in all the stories I HAD to have I ended up under page count, so I slipped in three more stories and still ended up under my projected page count. Hopefully they’ll be pleased. Early, organized, and slightly under the enormous projected page count.

This Crusaders book is chock full of great action-packed tales of brave knights and is some of Harold Lamb’s very best work. I’ll write more about it when it gets closer to publication. For now, I will bask in deadline glow and contemplate writing some of my own stuff on the morrow.


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