Black Gate 5

Black Gate 5

A young woman and her barbarian protector stumble across an ancient horror in a ruined temple…a group of children are trapped by the lethal remnant of a sorcerous war…a young explorer undertakes a dangerous journey to Earth’s surface, untold centuries after an alien conquest…and the last survivor of a race of shape-shifters faces an unexpected fate in the bloody coliseum of Ancient Rome.

These and many more exciting stories await you in the big spring issue of Black Gate, on sale now. Have a look at our online sneak peek, featuring lengthy excerpts, artwork, and much more. This issue features fiction from Bram Stoker Award-winning author Brian A. Hopkins, a chilling new horror novella from Todd McAulty, and great new fiction from Don Bassingthwaite, Michael H. Payne, Jennifer Busick and many others. And don’t miss the hilarious exploits of the Knights of the Dinner Table by Jolly R. Blackburn!

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