Black Gate 14 Sneak Peek: “Building Character” by Tom Sneem

Black Gate 14 Sneak Peek: “Building Character” by Tom Sneem

buildingcharacter277It’s hard to be a modern hero. Especially when the author can’t make up his mind.

Instead of going back to the church, I start to open the car door. But half way open it becomes difficult, like pulling against a great weight. The weight of an author’s stubbornness. The Kid really wants me to go back. I brace one foot against the car and with both hands on the handle, lean back, my force against the Kid’s. And we are locked in a tug of war. But then I hear strange voices coming down the path. The Kid has released the ghouls.

Tom Sneem lives in a small cottage on the west coast of Ireland where he writes a variety of fiction.

“Building Character” appears in Black Gate 14. You can read a more complete excerpt here. The complete Black Gate 14 Sneak Peek is available here.

Art by Bernie Mireault.

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