Beneath Ceaseless Skies Celebrates Two Years

Beneath Ceaseless Skies Celebrates Two Years

bcs1The relentless Beneath Ceaseless Skies published their 52nd issue last week (Sept. 23, 2010).

I continue to be amazed at this magazine. Issues appear online every two weeks like clockwork — and if you do the math, issue 52 issue marks exactly two years since they published their first, back in early October 2008. 

Each issue contains two original works of literary adventure fantasy, and the magazine’s artwork and production values remain top-notch.  Over the past two years Editor-in-Chief

Richard Parks. They’ve also published Brian Dolton, Chris Willrich, Catherine Mintz, Marie Brennan, Vylar Kaftan, Yoon Ha Lee, Saladin Ahmed, and many others.

Issue 52 includes “The Guilt Child” by Margaret Ronald, and “Invitation of the Queen” by Therese Arkenberg. Over at Torque Control, there’s a spirited discussion — and plenty of praise — for Margaret Ronald’s earlier “A Serpent in the Gears” (BCS #34), set in the same world as “The Guilt Child.” Cover art this issue is by Andreas Rocha.

Beneath Ceaseless Skies is completely free, but they appreciate your support, and they’re well worth it. Their latest issue is here. Drop by and check them out.

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Beneath Ceaseless Skies

Thank you very much for the shout-out! 🙂

It is indeed _BCS_’s two-year anniversary this week. Our Anniversary Double-Issue will be out this Thursday, featuring a new Lord Yamada story by Richard Parks, a steampunk/cinema fantasy by Tony Pi, podcast fiction by Sarah L. Edwards, new cover art, and more–definitely something that _Black Gate_ readers might enjoy.


Scott H. Andrews
_Beneath Ceaseless Skies_

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